Peace be upon you
Normally they use mussels for their marinara spaghetti but mine, I use crab instead :) Marinara spaghetti yang mahal lah tu kononnya.. hahaha.

1. 200gm spaghetti
2. 1/2 cup tomato paste
3. 1 ripe tomato (diced)
4. 3 garlic cloves
5. 1 onion (diced)
6. A pinch of dried rosemary *
7. A pinch of dried thyme *
8. A pinch of oregano powder *
9. A pinch of black pepper *
10. 1 tsp chili powder (kalau suka pedas boleh taruk lebih) *
11. Salt to taste *
12. 3 tbsp olive oil
13. 1/2 cup of water
14. 1 tube squid (slice into rings)
15. 6-8 medium prawns (peeled and halved)
16. 1/2 crab (kalau taruk sekor penuh lah pulak pinggan kan??)
17. 2 tbsp chopped coriander leaves for garnish
1. Heat oil in a large saucepan over the medium heat, stir in onion and garlic and cook till fragrance. Add in the tomato paste, diced tomato and * ingredients and simmer for 15 minutes.
2. Pour in the water and simmer for another 10 minutes. Meanwhile, cook the pasta in boiling, salted water until al dente. Drain and toss in a little olive oil.
3. Add seafoods in the sauce and cook for 5-10 minutes (To maintain the freshness of seafoods, please do not overcooked them). Finally, add in the pasta and stir them well.
4. Pour the pasta into a plate and garnish with chopped coriander leave, ready to serve.
Note :
1. Please take note that I use my own recipe which I added thyme, rosemary, oregano, black pepper and chili powder in my marinara. The original recipe takde semua ni cuma omputih akan taruk dry white wine sebab tu lah bertambah power kot marinara diaorang. The taste was awesome to me.. Tapi kalau you all rasa yang biasa tu lebih sebab.. taste buds masing-masing kan? hehehe..
Kalau nak lebih sedap you may add mussels into it.. I pun mengidam mussels tapi itu je yang ada dalam freezer tu. Selamat mencuba!
Waduh....waduh....geramnya tgk udang, ketam dgn sotong tuh tergolek dlm spaghetti Honey ni hehehe
ReplyDeleteHi Lynaaaaaaa! Haha itu pun udang tak berapa nak nampak sebab dah di tutup dengan sos tu sikit. Cuma lah.. masam-macam pedas gitu.. Tapi sedap! :)