السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
Akhirnya kita sampai di penghujung tahun 2013 dan this is my last entry for this year. Terlalu banyak kenangan pahit manis sepanjang tahun 2013 yang I telah tempuh. But I have to be strong and rise without any regrets.
Hari ni I just nak share lauk pauk yang I masak sepanjang minggu lepas and hari-hari cuti umum haritu. Semuanya masakan kampung sebab oven I masih sakit. Kalau oven sihat tu boleh lah nak buat pizza ke, ayam panggang ke kan. Ada rezeki I nak beli baru lah hehe.
Masak lemak cili padi ayam, ulam-ulaman and sambal belacan.
Kari ikan bawal hitam, tempe goreng, ulam-ulaman and sambal belacan.
Masak lemak pucuk paku, ikan bakar (bakar guna arang okay, in tradittional way), ulam-ulaman, sambal belacan and air asam.
Sabtu lepas I buat English Muffins sebab my niece datang rumah. So makan with scramble egg and chicken patty.
Dua minggu lepas, punya lah teringin nak makan cempedak goreng. Pegi lah cari tapi satu Puchong tak jumpa buah cempedak. At the end, I jumpa orang jual goreng cempedak dekat dengan area rumah I. Ini pun satu-satunya gerai jual goreng pisang ada jual cempedak goreng.
I pun singgah lah beli tapi kena tunggu sebab dia tengah goreng. Tak tau lah sebab habis ke atau baru nak goreng. Dah siap tu I tanya la kira macam mana? Dia kata RM3 7 biji. Terkedu sekejap I dengar.. sadis sadis.. Ada kawan I kat IG kata, kenalan mak dia beli RM4 untuk 4 biji kot kalau tak silap. Aduh pengsan sekejap I dengar. So lepas ni kalau makan cempedak goreng makan sambil pejam mata and nangis lah ye bak kata kawan I kat IG iaitu Cikgu Siti.
Pisang tanduk ni I dapat dari kawan I. Dia memang banyak tanam pisang tanduk. So I ambil lah dua biji and peram sampai masak. Hari ahad lepas I tengok dah kekuningan buah ni so I pun buat lah pisang goreng. Ingat orang yang suka makan pisang tanduk goreng ni nak datang tapi malangnya tak. So makan lah I sorang-sorang di sulam air kopi di kala hujan renyai-renyai :)
Rasa sedih pulak nak meninggalkan tahun 2013 tapi I berharap tahun 2014 lebih bermakna untuk I, In Shaa Allah. Ini gambar terakhir I untuk tahun 2013 dalam blog.
I wish you a Happy New Year and may your dreams come true :)
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
Kenapa kat Malaysia takde boxing day huh? Sigh... Kalau ada, pukul 5am I dah terpacak kat shopping mall tu :)
Hari ni I nak share recipe orang malas which ayam masak kicap namanya tapi in Chinese style.
2 skinless chicken breats
3-4 cloves garlic (finely chopped)
2 tbsp dark soy sauce
2 tbsp light soy sauce (I guna kicap kipas udang)
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp corn starch
5 dried chili pepper
Roasted peanuts or cashews for garnish
2-3 tbsp vegetable oil
3/4 cup of water
1 red onion (devide to 4)
Cut the chicken breats into chunks or cubes. Marinated with light soy sauce, sesame oil and corn starch.
Heat oil in a wok over medium heat. Stir in garlic and cook till brown. Add the chili pepper and cook till fragrance.
Add in marinated chicken and dark soy sauce, stir them well, cook for 3 minutes and pour in the water. Add in the red onion and cook for another 10 minutes or till the gravy thicken.
Garnish with roasted peanuts and you can also garnish with sliced spring onions.
You may have it with steamed hot rice. :)
Salam Jumaat and happy weekend!
Peace be upon you
Kenapa kat Malaysia takde boxing day huh? Sigh... Kalau ada, pukul 5am I dah terpacak kat shopping mall tu :)
Hari ni I nak share recipe orang malas which ayam masak kicap namanya tapi in Chinese style.
2 skinless chicken breats
3-4 cloves garlic (finely chopped)
2 tbsp dark soy sauce
2 tbsp light soy sauce (I guna kicap kipas udang)
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp corn starch
5 dried chili pepper
Roasted peanuts or cashews for garnish
2-3 tbsp vegetable oil
3/4 cup of water
1 red onion (devide to 4)
Cut the chicken breats into chunks or cubes. Marinated with light soy sauce, sesame oil and corn starch.
Heat oil in a wok over medium heat. Stir in garlic and cook till brown. Add the chili pepper and cook till fragrance.
Add in marinated chicken and dark soy sauce, stir them well, cook for 3 minutes and pour in the water. Add in the red onion and cook for another 10 minutes or till the gravy thicken.
Garnish with roasted peanuts and you can also garnish with sliced spring onions.
You may have it with steamed hot rice. :)
Salam Jumaat and happy weekend!
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
Hey guys! It's been a week after my last entry.. I don't have any interest to do anything for past few days termasuk lah nak menjenguk blog I ni. Sigh. Nasib baik tak bersawang lagi. :)
Few weeks ago, I made English Muffins for my nieces breakfast which one of my nieces requested for any kind of bread since months ago. Di sebabkan dia now cuti sekolah, I buat untuk dia sebakul! Ha makan lah puas-puas.
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons white sugar
1 package instant dry yeast
1 cup warm water
1/4 cup melted shortening - I used corn oil
5-6 cups bread flour (or all-purpose) - I used superfine flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup cornmeal (kalau u nak lah. I tak guna pun)
Warm the milk in a small saucepan until it bubbles on sides (just scalding, not boiling), then remove from heat. Mix in the sugar, stirring until dissolved. Let cool until lukewarm.
In a small bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water. Let stand until creamy, about 10 minutes.
Combine the milk, yeast mixture, shortening and 3 cups flour. Mix them well. Add salt and rest of flour, or enough to make a soft dough. Knead the dough until dough is just formed. (Do not over-knead.) Place in greased bowl, cover, and let rise to double size.
Punch down. Roll out to about 1/2 inch thick (tapi i roll about 8mm thick je - vongok kan? Kengkonon tak nak gemok sangat bila dia double size nanti. Sigh. Nyesal.). Cut rounds with biscuit cutter or drinking glass. Sprinkle waxed paper with cornmeal and set the rounds on this to rise. Dust tops of muffins with cornmeal also. Cover and let rise 1 hour.
Heat greased griddle. Cook muffins on griddle about 1-2 minutes on each side (or till brown). Start on a lower heat setting and work way up to a medium setting. Allow to cool on rack and place in plastic bags or container for storage. To use, split and toast. Great with butter, or cream cheese and jam.
Since I'm craving to have it with dhal, I cooked curry dhal for savoury. But my niece have it with jam and chicken frankfurter. She toast it, steam the frankfurter and yum!
Peace be upon you
Hey guys! It's been a week after my last entry.. I don't have any interest to do anything for past few days termasuk lah nak menjenguk blog I ni. Sigh. Nasib baik tak bersawang lagi. :)
Few weeks ago, I made English Muffins for my nieces breakfast which one of my nieces requested for any kind of bread since months ago. Di sebabkan dia now cuti sekolah, I buat untuk dia sebakul! Ha makan lah puas-puas.
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons white sugar
1 package instant dry yeast
1 cup warm water
1/4 cup melted shortening - I used corn oil
5-6 cups bread flour (or all-purpose) - I used superfine flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup cornmeal (kalau u nak lah. I tak guna pun)
Warm the milk in a small saucepan until it bubbles on sides (just scalding, not boiling), then remove from heat. Mix in the sugar, stirring until dissolved. Let cool until lukewarm.
In a small bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water. Let stand until creamy, about 10 minutes.
Combine the milk, yeast mixture, shortening and 3 cups flour. Mix them well. Add salt and rest of flour, or enough to make a soft dough. Knead the dough until dough is just formed. (Do not over-knead.) Place in greased bowl, cover, and let rise to double size.
Punch down. Roll out to about 1/2 inch thick (tapi i roll about 8mm thick je - vongok kan? Kengkonon tak nak gemok sangat bila dia double size nanti. Sigh. Nyesal.). Cut rounds with biscuit cutter or drinking glass. Sprinkle waxed paper with cornmeal and set the rounds on this to rise. Dust tops of muffins with cornmeal also. Cover and let rise 1 hour.
Heat greased griddle. Cook muffins on griddle about 1-2 minutes on each side (or till brown). Start on a lower heat setting and work way up to a medium setting. Allow to cool on rack and place in plastic bags or container for storage. To use, split and toast. Great with butter, or cream cheese and jam.
Since I'm craving to have it with dhal, I cooked curry dhal for savoury. But my niece have it with jam and chicken frankfurter. She toast it, steam the frankfurter and yum!
Friday, December 13, 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
From my stats record, kebanyakan 'keywords' yang I jumpa ialah 'cara tanam pkok kari' 'cara tanam daun kari' 'tanam daun kari' 'tanam pokok kari'. Ramai jugak yang memerlukan pengetahuan tentang kaedah penanaman pokok kari. Sebenarnya tak susah mana pun nak tanam pokok kari.
Kaedah penanaman boleh di lakukan melalui batang atau anak pokok kari. Tapi hari ni I nak tunjukkan kaedah penanaman melalui anak pokok kari. Kebanyakkan pokok kari mempunyai banyak anak yang tubuh dari akar. Termasuk lah pokok kari I.. terlalu banyak sampai I terpaksa buang supaya tak terlalu membiak. Kalau you all nak, you all boleh datang rumah I and ambil for free. :)
1. Yang pertama you all mestilah cabut anak pokok kari tu. Tapi mesti cabut secara perlahan dan cermat supaya akar pokok tidak putus.Macam saya tunjuk kat atas ni, memadai kalau dapat akar macam ni.
2. Selepas cabut anak pokok kari tu, you all harus lah membalut akar tadi dengan tanah lembap supaya kelembapan pada akar dapat di pelihara dan pokok tak layu.

3. Korek tanah dengan anggaran boleh menutupi akar dan batang pokok kari (just before the first sprig).
4. Setelah selesai menanam anak pokok kari tersebut, you all mesti lah siram dengan air yang secukupnya supaya akar pokok dapat menjalankan proses pertamanya dengan baik. Pada waktu ini baja tidak di perlukan kerana akar masih belum berupaya menyerap baja kimia. Pembajaan pertama boleh di lakukan apabila genap sebulan atau seawal tiga minggu.
Nota :
1. Seeloknya penanaman apa jua jenis pokok di lakukan pada waktu petang Ini kerana penerimaan cahaya matahari yang kurang. Kalau you all tanam waktu pagi, cahaya matahari pada waktu tengah hari akan menyebabkan pokok layu dan kebarangkalian tak akan survive.
2. Jenis tanah tak kisah tanah macam mana sekali pun. Macam I kata dalam entry yang lepas, jangan guna tanah liat sudah lah.
2. Cara bagaimana you all nak maintain pokok kari ni boleh refer dekat entry ni Penjagaan Pokok Kari.
Ini lah serba sedikit pengetahuan I dalam kaedah penanaman pokok kari untuk di kongsi dengan you all. Kalau ada salah dan silap I mohon maaf. Selamat mencuba!
Peace be upon you
From my stats record, kebanyakan 'keywords' yang I jumpa ialah 'cara tanam pkok kari' 'cara tanam daun kari' 'tanam daun kari' 'tanam pokok kari'. Ramai jugak yang memerlukan pengetahuan tentang kaedah penanaman pokok kari. Sebenarnya tak susah mana pun nak tanam pokok kari.
Kaedah penanaman boleh di lakukan melalui batang atau anak pokok kari. Tapi hari ni I nak tunjukkan kaedah penanaman melalui anak pokok kari. Kebanyakkan pokok kari mempunyai banyak anak yang tubuh dari akar. Termasuk lah pokok kari I.. terlalu banyak sampai I terpaksa buang supaya tak terlalu membiak. Kalau you all nak, you all boleh datang rumah I and ambil for free. :)
1. Yang pertama you all mestilah cabut anak pokok kari tu. Tapi mesti cabut secara perlahan dan cermat supaya akar pokok tidak putus.Macam saya tunjuk kat atas ni, memadai kalau dapat akar macam ni.
2. Selepas cabut anak pokok kari tu, you all harus lah membalut akar tadi dengan tanah lembap supaya kelembapan pada akar dapat di pelihara dan pokok tak layu.

3. Korek tanah dengan anggaran boleh menutupi akar dan batang pokok kari (just before the first sprig).
4. Setelah selesai menanam anak pokok kari tersebut, you all mesti lah siram dengan air yang secukupnya supaya akar pokok dapat menjalankan proses pertamanya dengan baik. Pada waktu ini baja tidak di perlukan kerana akar masih belum berupaya menyerap baja kimia. Pembajaan pertama boleh di lakukan apabila genap sebulan atau seawal tiga minggu.
Nota :
1. Seeloknya penanaman apa jua jenis pokok di lakukan pada waktu petang Ini kerana penerimaan cahaya matahari yang kurang. Kalau you all tanam waktu pagi, cahaya matahari pada waktu tengah hari akan menyebabkan pokok layu dan kebarangkalian tak akan survive.
2. Jenis tanah tak kisah tanah macam mana sekali pun. Macam I kata dalam entry yang lepas, jangan guna tanah liat sudah lah.
2. Cara bagaimana you all nak maintain pokok kari ni boleh refer dekat entry ni Penjagaan Pokok Kari.
Ini lah serba sedikit pengetahuan I dalam kaedah penanaman pokok kari untuk di kongsi dengan you all. Kalau ada salah dan silap I mohon maaf. Selamat mencuba!
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
Apa yang Thai Sunday sangat? It just because I cooked two type of Thai dishes which are Tom Kha Talay and Glutinous Rice with Mango that I posted the recipe yesterday.I would like to let you know that I am a photo-editing-dummy :) Yes, I am! Seriously, I do not know how to use the editing software and how to get a very nice photo like Ribbon and Circus. Sigh.
1. 1 crab (cleaned, halved)
2. 10-15 prawns
3. 2 tube squids (cut into rings)
4. 3 cloves of garlic (finely chopped) *
5. 3 stalks of lemongrass (finely sliced) *
6. 4 cm galangal (cut to 3 mm thick) *
7. 10 bird's eye chillies (crushed) *
8. 1 can of straw mushroom (because I love my soup loads with mushroom)
9. 2 1/4 tbsp fish sauce
10. 2 tbsp lime juice
11. 4-5 lime kaffir leaves
12. 3/4 cup of water
13. 2 cups fresh coconut milk
14. 2 tbsp sugar (depend on you)
15. Coriander leave to garnish (chopped)
1. Boil water in a medium / large sauce pan with * ingredients over medium heat for 5-8 minutes.
2. When the soup is boiling, add in straw mushroom and kaffir lime leaves and bring to boil for another 2 minutes. Pour coconut milk in the soup and boiled over slow heat for 10-15 minutes. Add in fish sauce, lime juice, sugar and the seafoods. Stir them well and cook for a minute or 2 minutes.
3. Turn off the heat. Pour the soup into serving bowl and garnish with coriander leave.
Note :
1. Please do not overcooked the seafoods to maintain their freshness.
Happy Public Holiday to Selangorian due to Hari Keputeraan Sultan Selangor tomorrow. Daulat Tuanku!
Peace be upon you
Apa yang Thai Sunday sangat? It just because I cooked two type of Thai dishes which are Tom Kha Talay and Glutinous Rice with Mango that I posted the recipe yesterday.I would like to let you know that I am a photo-editing-dummy :) Yes, I am! Seriously, I do not know how to use the editing software and how to get a very nice photo like Ribbon and Circus. Sigh.
1. 1 crab (cleaned, halved)
2. 10-15 prawns
3. 2 tube squids (cut into rings)
4. 3 cloves of garlic (finely chopped) *
5. 3 stalks of lemongrass (finely sliced) *
6. 4 cm galangal (cut to 3 mm thick) *
7. 10 bird's eye chillies (crushed) *
8. 1 can of straw mushroom (because I love my soup loads with mushroom)
9. 2 1/4 tbsp fish sauce
10. 2 tbsp lime juice
11. 4-5 lime kaffir leaves
12. 3/4 cup of water
13. 2 cups fresh coconut milk
14. 2 tbsp sugar (depend on you)
15. Coriander leave to garnish (chopped)
1. Boil water in a medium / large sauce pan with * ingredients over medium heat for 5-8 minutes.
2. When the soup is boiling, add in straw mushroom and kaffir lime leaves and bring to boil for another 2 minutes. Pour coconut milk in the soup and boiled over slow heat for 10-15 minutes. Add in fish sauce, lime juice, sugar and the seafoods. Stir them well and cook for a minute or 2 minutes.
3. Turn off the heat. Pour the soup into serving bowl and garnish with coriander leave.
Note :
1. Please do not overcooked the seafoods to maintain their freshness.
Happy Public Holiday to Selangorian due to Hari Keputeraan Sultan Selangor tomorrow. Daulat Tuanku!
Monday, December 9, 2013
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
My heart beating faster day by day. Dislike. I am seriously hopeless and just pray to Him and keep reading Surah Alam Nashrah.
What you feel when you cook for someone that you love that you die hard for? The feelings absolutely does not same which for me, the dishes cooked with lots of love. It is same goes to you? Perhaps. I don't know, but we do have chemistry, love the same foods, love the same movies, love the same style but just only one.. He dont't like gardening. It's not 'don't like' but he just about pre-knowledge anything related to gardening. Ah.. never mind.
I made my very first glutinous rice with mango yesterday as the dessert.
1. 300gm glutinous rice
2. 250ml coconut milk
3. 4 tbsp sugar
4. A pinch of salt
5. 1-2 ripe mangoes
6. Deep fried mung beans for garnish
1. Soak the sticky rice in cold water for at least 2 hours or you can soak it overnight. Drain and rinse thoroughly. Line a steamer with double thickness muslin and place the rice on top. Bring the water in the steamer to the boil and steam the rice over moderate heat for 30 minutes, turning halfway. Put in a bowl and set aside.
2. Combine the coconut milk and sugar in a small sauce pan and heat gently, stirring all the time, until the sugar has dissolved. Do not boil. Stir in the salt and you can add corn flour for thicken.
3. Place the glutinous rice in a plate, add slices of mangoes on top, pour the sauce and garnish with mung beans.
Peace be upon you
My heart beating faster day by day. Dislike. I am seriously hopeless and just pray to Him and keep reading Surah Alam Nashrah.
What you feel when you cook for someone that you love that you die hard for? The feelings absolutely does not same which for me, the dishes cooked with lots of love. It is same goes to you? Perhaps. I don't know, but we do have chemistry, love the same foods, love the same movies, love the same style but just only one.. He dont't like gardening. It's not 'don't like' but he just about pre-knowledge anything related to gardening. Ah.. never mind.
I made my very first glutinous rice with mango yesterday as the dessert.
1. 300gm glutinous rice
2. 250ml coconut milk
3. 4 tbsp sugar
4. A pinch of salt
5. 1-2 ripe mangoes
6. Deep fried mung beans for garnish
1. Soak the sticky rice in cold water for at least 2 hours or you can soak it overnight. Drain and rinse thoroughly. Line a steamer with double thickness muslin and place the rice on top. Bring the water in the steamer to the boil and steam the rice over moderate heat for 30 minutes, turning halfway. Put in a bowl and set aside.
2. Combine the coconut milk and sugar in a small sauce pan and heat gently, stirring all the time, until the sugar has dissolved. Do not boil. Stir in the salt and you can add corn flour for thicken.
3. Place the glutinous rice in a plate, add slices of mangoes on top, pour the sauce and garnish with mung beans.
Friday, December 6, 2013
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
Swang mood for days. No ideas to write on. Bland taste. Empty mind. Extremely fast heart beating.
Let's straight to the food for today.
1. 300-400gm chicken (cut into small pieces)
2. 3 shallots (pounded) *
3. 2 garlic cloves (pounded) *
4. 1 thumb size ginger (pounded) *
5. 2 star anises *
6. 1 cinnamon stick *
7. 1 tbsp Sup Adabi powder
8. 3 tbsp vegetable oil (depend on you)
9. 1 carrot (cut into chunks)
10. 2 potatoes (devide by 4)
11. Salt to taste
12. 500-600 ml water (depend on you)
1. Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Stir in * ingredients and cook till brown or fragrance. Add in Sup Adabi powder and cook for a minute and add in the chicken, cook for 5 minutes or till coated.
2. Pour in water and cook for 15-20 minutes or till the chicken lil bit tender. Add in potatoes follow by carrot and salt and boil till both of them are soft.
3. You can garnish with chop parsley or onion springs and ready to serve.
I had it with fried mackerel (goreng garing-garing tau), red spinach belacan and sambal belacan. No words to describe and I miss this very much.
Honestly, I don't really has any idea how long this feelings will go for. Speechless.
Happy weekend everyone!
Peace be upon you
Swang mood for days. No ideas to write on. Bland taste. Empty mind. Extremely fast heart beating.
Let's straight to the food for today.
1. 300-400gm chicken (cut into small pieces)
2. 3 shallots (pounded) *
3. 2 garlic cloves (pounded) *
4. 1 thumb size ginger (pounded) *
5. 2 star anises *
6. 1 cinnamon stick *
7. 1 tbsp Sup Adabi powder
8. 3 tbsp vegetable oil (depend on you)
9. 1 carrot (cut into chunks)
10. 2 potatoes (devide by 4)
11. Salt to taste
12. 500-600 ml water (depend on you)
1. Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Stir in * ingredients and cook till brown or fragrance. Add in Sup Adabi powder and cook for a minute and add in the chicken, cook for 5 minutes or till coated.
2. Pour in water and cook for 15-20 minutes or till the chicken lil bit tender. Add in potatoes follow by carrot and salt and boil till both of them are soft.
3. You can garnish with chop parsley or onion springs and ready to serve.
I had it with fried mackerel (goreng garing-garing tau), red spinach belacan and sambal belacan. No words to describe and I miss this very much.
Honestly, I don't really has any idea how long this feelings will go for. Speechless.
Happy weekend everyone!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
Sometimes we need to accept the fact eventhough it's hurt and make us drop to the ground. Doesn't matter what, life must go on and we should choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift we have.
Did you remember, I was told you about my pumpkin plant? Finally it produced a beautiful pumpkin for my hungry kitchen. I made pumpkin soup from my first ever fresh pumpkin and had it with slices of sunflower seeds bread.
Look at that, it is sooo freshy and nice colour indeed. Oh oh.. the smell was good too! :) I am too happy to have this fresh pumpkin from the garden.
1. Heat the oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Stir in the onion and cook till fragrance. Add cumin and cook until aromatic.
2. Add pumpkin and stir to coat. Cook till the pumpkin is soft. Set aside to cool slightly.
3. Blend with a cup of water and return soup to the saucepan (if the soup too thick, you may pour another 1/2 cup of water). Add in the cooking cream and salt and cook for another 5 minutes or till lil bit thicken.
4. Serve with slices of bread.
My partner said "Itu yang putih tu bentuk labu and biji labu ke?" Sigh... (-.-')
The taste soooo good and I could tasted the sweetness of pumpkin.
Peace be upon you
Sometimes we need to accept the fact eventhough it's hurt and make us drop to the ground. Doesn't matter what, life must go on and we should choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift we have.
Did you remember, I was told you about my pumpkin plant? Finally it produced a beautiful pumpkin for my hungry kitchen. I made pumpkin soup from my first ever fresh pumpkin and had it with slices of sunflower seeds bread.
Look at that, it is sooo freshy and nice colour indeed. Oh oh.. the smell was good too! :) I am too happy to have this fresh pumpkin from the garden.
1. 500-600gm pumpkin (diced)
2. 1/2 yellow onion (diced)
3. 2-3 tbsp cumin (toasted, grounded)
4. 3 tbsp cooking cream
5. Salt to taste
6. 2 tbsp olive oil
7. A cup of water
2. Add pumpkin and stir to coat. Cook till the pumpkin is soft. Set aside to cool slightly.
3. Blend with a cup of water and return soup to the saucepan (if the soup too thick, you may pour another 1/2 cup of water). Add in the cooking cream and salt and cook for another 5 minutes or till lil bit thicken.
4. Serve with slices of bread.
My partner said "Itu yang putih tu bentuk labu and biji labu ke?" Sigh... (-.-')
The taste soooo good and I could tasted the sweetness of pumpkin.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
I do love ayam penyet since I visited Wong Solo restaurant in Shah Alam few months back. The chicken was so tender, juicy inside and crispy at the outside. Since I'm craving for the juicy, tender and crispy ayam penyet and it's kinda difficult to find it (some place, their chicken too dry and the taste no so good) except Wong Solo, I made it on last Saturday. And the result was awesome! I got tender, juicy and crispy chicken! But I forgot about Terung Berlada .. :( I cooked Kangkung Belacan instead.
1. Grind all the ingredients except sugar, salt and oil.
2. Heat oil in a medium sauce pan. Pour the grinded ingredients and simmer till the water absorbed. Add in the salt and sugar and simmer again till the sambal turn into paste.
1. Clean the rice and drain the excess water.
2. Melt butter in the rice cooker. Add in garlic, ginger and lemongrass and cook till brown or fragrance.
3. Add in the rice and mix them well. Pour in the water and leave it till the rice is ready to serve.
Chicken Soup
1. Heat oil in a medium sauce pan. Add in * ingredients and cook till fragrance. Add in the chicken bone, cook for 5-10 minutes and pour in the water.
2. Add in salt and boil for 20 minutes.
Serve with fried tofu, fried tempe, cucumber and kangkung belacan.
1. Note : Nak rebus ayam dengan santan pun boleh and lagi sedap.
Selamat mencuba!
Peace be upon you
I do love ayam penyet since I visited Wong Solo restaurant in Shah Alam few months back. The chicken was so tender, juicy inside and crispy at the outside. Since I'm craving for the juicy, tender and crispy ayam penyet and it's kinda difficult to find it (some place, their chicken too dry and the taste no so good) except Wong Solo, I made it on last Saturday. And the result was awesome! I got tender, juicy and crispy chicken! But I forgot about Terung Berlada .. :( I cooked Kangkung Belacan instead.
Fried Chicken
1. 1 whole chicken and cut it to 6 portions
2. 2 tbsp fennel seeds *
3. 2 tbsp cumin seeds *
4. 3 tbsp corinder seeds *
5. 1 tbsp tumeric powder (nak taruk yang hidup pun takpe) *
6. 5 shallots (pounded) *
7. 5 cm ginger (thinly sliced) *
8. 5 cm galangal (thinly sliced) *
9. Water to boil
9. Salt to taste *
10. Vegetable Oil (Enough to deep fried the chicken)
11. 1 stalk lemongrass (crushed) *
(I tak taruk curry powder and white pepper)
1. 7 red chillies
2. 3 clove garlics
3. 2 shallots
4. Salt to taste
5. Sugar to taste
(I tak taruk belacan nor cili padi)
6. Vegetable oil
7. 1 cup of water
1. 2 cup of rice (depend on you)
2. Water (depend on you rice)
3. 4 tbsp butter
4. 2 stalks of lemongrass (crushed)
5. Salt to taste
6. 5 clove garlics (pounded)
7. 3 cm ginger (pounded)
Chicken Soup
1. 2 shallots (pounded) *
2. 1 clove garlic (pounded) *
3. 1 cm ginger (pounded) *
4. 2 tbsp vegetable oil
5. 1 cinnamom stick *
6. 1 star anise *
7. 3-4 cup of water
8. Chicken bone
9. Salt to taste
1. Clean the chicken and drain the excess water. Mean while, toast the fennel, cumin and coriander seeds till fragrance and pound it (but do not turn it to powder).
2. Boil the water in a big pot, add in the chicken and * ingredients (tinggalkan sikit fennel, cumin and coriander seeds for coating) for 15 - 20 minutes. Drain the water and coat the cooked chicken with leftover spices.
3. Heat oil in a medium pot at medium heat. Make sure the oil hot enough before you place the chicken in it to deep fried. Deep fried the chicken till brown and normally it just took 5-10 minutes to brown. Do not overcook to get juicy chicken.
1. Grind all the ingredients except sugar, salt and oil.
2. Heat oil in a medium sauce pan. Pour the grinded ingredients and simmer till the water absorbed. Add in the salt and sugar and simmer again till the sambal turn into paste.
1. Clean the rice and drain the excess water.
2. Melt butter in the rice cooker. Add in garlic, ginger and lemongrass and cook till brown or fragrance.
3. Add in the rice and mix them well. Pour in the water and leave it till the rice is ready to serve.
Chicken Soup
1. Heat oil in a medium sauce pan. Add in * ingredients and cook till fragrance. Add in the chicken bone, cook for 5-10 minutes and pour in the water.
2. Add in salt and boil for 20 minutes.
Serve with fried tofu, fried tempe, cucumber and kangkung belacan.
1. Note : Nak rebus ayam dengan santan pun boleh and lagi sedap.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
Last 10th November 2013, I sent Snowy to Kitten Cottage to boarding for few days. I found their website when I browsed for pet hotel because I need him to be more tame and can get along with any cats. Tapi kan, masuk je kat kaunter area dia dah start uncomfortable. Masa tu I dukung dia and dia duduk diam je masa I register tu.. Sebelah tangan dukung dia and sebelah lagi fill in registration form to check-in. Dah macam anak pulak dah!
This is the walkway dari kaunter ke cottage kucing-kucing tu. Dekat kaunter tu ada macam-macam display lah.. ada makanan kucing, ada pasir untuk kucing, cat tree and segala keperluan kucing lah senang cerita.
Once I tolak je glass door tu, si Snowy dah start hissing! OMG! Bertambah kuat bila dia nampak kucing-kucing yang di lepaskan penjaga tu sebab normally penjaga akan lepaskan kucing untuk main-main kat playground dia and jalan-jalan. Tak lah terperuk je dalam cottacge tu. Bila ada seekor kucing ni datang kat kaki I, lagi lah kuat dia hissing sambil meronta-ronta.. Kang lepuk kang baru tau!
Ini lah cottage Snowy.. Mula-mula penjaga suruh letak kat cottage yang boleh nampak kucing selalu. Dalam tu ada satu kain alas, I taruk je dia dalam tu terus dia berbunyi and terus keluar dari cottage. Agaknya dia dapat bau kucing lain yang sebelum ni tinggal kat situ dekat kain alas tu kot. Patut lah dia mengamuk!
Then penjaga tu kata letak kat cottage tepi lah yang takde kucing sangat sebab dia tak boleh nampak kucing lain, mesti nak hiss punya! Bila masuk dalam tu dia kurang sikit hissing and I taruk sekali dengan blanket dia supaya dia selesa.
Tengok lah tu muka dia, muka kasihan je kan? Sian Snowy..
Ni namanya Kristy. Kucing ni dah 6 bulan kat sini sebab kena quarantine and tunggu masa je owner dia nak ambil. Dia bording kat sini sebab nak migrate pi Australia you allssssss! Dah lah gemok gedempol.. ekor cenonit je hahaha.. Dia la paling suka melawat Snowy tapi Snowy tak suka.. di marahnya kucing tu haha.
These two pictures sent by their guardian.. Oh lupa pulak nak perkenalkan siapa penjaga diaorang-diaorang ni semua. Nama dia Farhana and sorang lagi Leeya. Tapi yang assist I ialah Farhana.. Dia sent these two pictures via Whatsapp. Katanya "This is how he eat" untuk gambar kedua tu.. Ya Ampun, sedih I tengok cara Snowy makan.. Kenapa lah dia tak turun and makan properly? Ish ish ish.. Agaknya dia takut nak membelakangkan glass door tu kot sebab dia takut nanti dia tak nampak kucing lain pass by his cottage.
This is VIC Cottage.. Harganya ialah RM70.00 satu malam. Kalau Snowy duduk sini memang bahagia lah dia kan?? Tapi Mom dia tak mampu so duduk lah cottage yang harga RM25/Night ye :)
Yang cottage besar ni ialah VVIC Cottage. Apa tu VIC and VVIC? VIC = Very Important Cat and VVIC = Very Very Important Cat. Ingat manusia je ada VIP VVIP? hahaha kucing pun ada tau! Kalau dia duduk sini agaknya tak nak terus balik langsung lah jawabnya!
Ini pulak playground diaorang. Nak main ke, nak lompat ke, nak hi-tea
ke, nak tertonggeng terbalik pun boleh kat sini. Tapi malangnya Snowy tak boleh main kat luar nor playground sebab dia suka hissing kat kucing lain.. :(
Ini tempat grooming. Kitten Cottage juga ada terima kucing untuk grooming. Bersih je kan tempat ni. But honestly, Kitten Cottage ni memang sangat bersih! Dari depan sampai lah ke belakang and semua cottage sangat bersih! So you all jangan risau kalau nak boarding your cutie in here.
On afternoon 13th November 2013, I fetched him and I wonder how he going to be when he see me. Dia terlalu excited and kais-kais the glass door and nak keluar. Agaknya dah terlalu bosan tak tau nak buat apa 4 days 3 nights duduk kat situ.
Bila dah dapat keluar bukan main bahagia lagi dia berjalan ke sana ke mari tapiiiiiii still hissing bila nampak kucing lain. Dia jenis tak terkam kucing tu.. Dia hissing je kuat tapi penakut!
Nasib baiklah juga kucing yang kat sana tu jenis tame and takkan terkam kucing lain, if not jadi drama pulak kat situ.
Itu lah pengalaman Snowy kat sana.. And pengalaman I boarding my cat at pet boarding. Bila tanya nak pergi lagi tak stay kat hotel Kitten Cottage? "Tak nak!!" katanya.. siapa ada dua tanda seru lagi. :) Tapi nanti bila-bila I nak hantar lagi supaya dia tame enough and boleh get along with any cats.
Pada sesiapa nak hantar your cat kat Kitten Cottage ni, alamat seperti tertera :
Kitten Cottage
No. 60, Lorong Rahim Kajai 14,
Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, 60000,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Operating hour:
11am to 7pm (Closed every Tuesday)
T: 603 7722 2078
E: kittencottage@ymail.com
Peace be upon you
Last 10th November 2013, I sent Snowy to Kitten Cottage to boarding for few days. I found their website when I browsed for pet hotel because I need him to be more tame and can get along with any cats. Tapi kan, masuk je kat kaunter area dia dah start uncomfortable. Masa tu I dukung dia and dia duduk diam je masa I register tu.. Sebelah tangan dukung dia and sebelah lagi fill in registration form to check-in. Dah macam anak pulak dah!
This is the walkway dari kaunter ke cottage kucing-kucing tu. Dekat kaunter tu ada macam-macam display lah.. ada makanan kucing, ada pasir untuk kucing, cat tree and segala keperluan kucing lah senang cerita.
Once I tolak je glass door tu, si Snowy dah start hissing! OMG! Bertambah kuat bila dia nampak kucing-kucing yang di lepaskan penjaga tu sebab normally penjaga akan lepaskan kucing untuk main-main kat playground dia and jalan-jalan. Tak lah terperuk je dalam cottacge tu. Bila ada seekor kucing ni datang kat kaki I, lagi lah kuat dia hissing sambil meronta-ronta.. Kang lepuk kang baru tau!
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Condo Cottage RM25/Night |
Then penjaga tu kata letak kat cottage tepi lah yang takde kucing sangat sebab dia tak boleh nampak kucing lain, mesti nak hiss punya! Bila masuk dalam tu dia kurang sikit hissing and I taruk sekali dengan blanket dia supaya dia selesa.
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Masuk je terus diam. Takut agaknya! |
Tengok lah tu muka dia, muka kasihan je kan? Sian Snowy..
Ni namanya Kristy. Kucing ni dah 6 bulan kat sini sebab kena quarantine and tunggu masa je owner dia nak ambil. Dia bording kat sini sebab nak migrate pi Australia you allssssss! Dah lah gemok gedempol.. ekor cenonit je hahaha.. Dia la paling suka melawat Snowy tapi Snowy tak suka.. di marahnya kucing tu haha.
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Shot by KittenCottage_Farhana |
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Shot by KittenCottage_Farhana |
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VIC Cottage RM70/Night |
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VIC Cottage RM70/Night |
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VVIC Cottage RM90/Night |
Ini tempat grooming. Kitten Cottage juga ada terima kucing untuk grooming. Bersih je kan tempat ni. But honestly, Kitten Cottage ni memang sangat bersih! Dari depan sampai lah ke belakang and semua cottage sangat bersih! So you all jangan risau kalau nak boarding your cutie in here.
On afternoon 13th November 2013, I fetched him and I wonder how he going to be when he see me. Dia terlalu excited and kais-kais the glass door and nak keluar. Agaknya dah terlalu bosan tak tau nak buat apa 4 days 3 nights duduk kat situ.
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"Oh thank God! Mom is here! I can't wait to go home.. hip hip hooray!" |
Bila dah dapat keluar bukan main bahagia lagi dia berjalan ke sana ke mari tapiiiiiii still hissing bila nampak kucing lain. Dia jenis tak terkam kucing tu.. Dia hissing je kuat tapi penakut!
Nasib baiklah juga kucing yang kat sana tu jenis tame and takkan terkam kucing lain, if not jadi drama pulak kat situ.
Itu lah pengalaman Snowy kat sana.. And pengalaman I boarding my cat at pet boarding. Bila tanya nak pergi lagi tak stay kat hotel Kitten Cottage? "Tak nak!!" katanya.. siapa ada dua tanda seru lagi. :) Tapi nanti bila-bila I nak hantar lagi supaya dia tame enough and boleh get along with any cats.
Pada sesiapa nak hantar your cat kat Kitten Cottage ni, alamat seperti tertera :
Kitten Cottage
No. 60, Lorong Rahim Kajai 14,
Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, 60000,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Operating hour:
11am to 7pm (Closed every Tuesday)
T: 603 7722 2078
E: kittencottage@ymail.com
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