Thursday, January 30, 2014
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
There's no planned dishes on 25-26th January as 25th January I was attended my friend's wedding dinner and on 26th January I cooked as per titled. Since I had the whole salmon in refrigerator, I foil-baked and served it with osyter vegetables, grilled asparagus and hot steamed rice.
1 whole salmon
2 yellow onions (slice into rings)
2 lemons
1 handful cilantro
A pinch of salt
A pinch of black pepper
Extra virgin olive oil
Fold aluminum foil for wrapping
(If you want to use oven, preheat oven at 130°)
Clean, rinse and pat dry the salmon. Rub salmon with salt, black pepper and lemon juice (from one lemon). Slice lemon, stuff 3 pcs of lemon into salmon together with cilantro and another 3 pcs on top of salmon. Set aside.
Lay out the foil sheet and line the onions at the centre of the sheet. Splash olive oil on the onions and top with salmon. Splash olive oil once again over the salmon. Wrap the foil over the salmon to make a loose but tightly sealed parcel.
Place the foil parcel on the barbie and cook for 5 minutes for both side or till cook for your liking.
Unwrap, garnish with chopped cilantro and ready to serve.
(I squeezed half lemon jugak lepas unwrapped sebab I suka more lemon juice for my baked salmon)
Peace be upon you
There's no planned dishes on 25-26th January as 25th January I was attended my friend's wedding dinner and on 26th January I cooked as per titled. Since I had the whole salmon in refrigerator, I foil-baked and served it with osyter vegetables, grilled asparagus and hot steamed rice.
1 whole salmon
2 yellow onions (slice into rings)
2 lemons
1 handful cilantro
A pinch of salt
A pinch of black pepper
Extra virgin olive oil
Fold aluminum foil for wrapping
(If you want to use oven, preheat oven at 130°)
Clean, rinse and pat dry the salmon. Rub salmon with salt, black pepper and lemon juice (from one lemon). Slice lemon, stuff 3 pcs of lemon into salmon together with cilantro and another 3 pcs on top of salmon. Set aside.
Lay out the foil sheet and line the onions at the centre of the sheet. Splash olive oil on the onions and top with salmon. Splash olive oil once again over the salmon. Wrap the foil over the salmon to make a loose but tightly sealed parcel.
Place the foil parcel on the barbie and cook for 5 minutes for both side or till cook for your liking.
Unwrap, garnish with chopped cilantro and ready to serve.
(I squeezed half lemon jugak lepas unwrapped sebab I suka more lemon juice for my baked salmon)
Thursday, January 23, 2014
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
Menu 8 : 19th January 2014
Mee goreng mamak
Paling senang nak masak sebab semua campak aje. Mee goreng ni I masak untuk breakfast. Kebetulan my niece tidur kat rumah I so kena lah buat heavy breakfast sikit.
1/2 paket mee kuning
5 sudu besar cili kering yang telah di kisar bersama bawang merah, bawang putih dah belacan
2 sudu besar sos cili
3-4 sudu besar kicap cair (I guna kicap kipas udang)
2 biji telur
1 cawan sawi bunga yang di potong 3cm panjang
1 cawan taugeh
Garam secukup rasa
2 ulas bawang putih di cincang
2 keping fish cake di potong nipis menyerong
1 paket fish ball
1 cili merah di hiris nipis
1/2 cawan minyak masak
Panaskan minyak dalam kuali. Tumiskan bawang putih hingga wangi dan masukkan cili kisar. Tumis hingga naik minyak dan masukkan sos cili, kicap serta garam jika perlu. Kacau sebati dan masukkan telur yang di pukul sedikit. Tuang perlahan-lahan sambil tangan kanan mengacau bahan tumisan.
Masukkan fish cake dan fish ball dan masak selama seminit dan masukkan mee kuning dan kacau sebati. Masak selama 5 minit atau sehingga mee sedikit kembang dan masukkan daun sawi dan cili merah, masak sehingga daun sawi sedikit layu.
Masukkan taugeh dan masak selama 30 saat dan sedia di hidang.
Taburkan daun bawang dan bawang goreng untuk penambah rasa.
Memang campak-campak aje wei. Itu pun sedap :)
Peace be upon you
Menu 8 : 19th January 2014
Mee goreng mamak
Paling senang nak masak sebab semua campak aje. Mee goreng ni I masak untuk breakfast. Kebetulan my niece tidur kat rumah I so kena lah buat heavy breakfast sikit.
1/2 paket mee kuning
5 sudu besar cili kering yang telah di kisar bersama bawang merah, bawang putih dah belacan
2 sudu besar sos cili
3-4 sudu besar kicap cair (I guna kicap kipas udang)
2 biji telur
1 cawan sawi bunga yang di potong 3cm panjang
1 cawan taugeh
Garam secukup rasa
2 ulas bawang putih di cincang
2 keping fish cake di potong nipis menyerong
1 paket fish ball
1 cili merah di hiris nipis
1/2 cawan minyak masak
Panaskan minyak dalam kuali. Tumiskan bawang putih hingga wangi dan masukkan cili kisar. Tumis hingga naik minyak dan masukkan sos cili, kicap serta garam jika perlu. Kacau sebati dan masukkan telur yang di pukul sedikit. Tuang perlahan-lahan sambil tangan kanan mengacau bahan tumisan.
Masukkan fish cake dan fish ball dan masak selama seminit dan masukkan mee kuning dan kacau sebati. Masak selama 5 minit atau sehingga mee sedikit kembang dan masukkan daun sawi dan cili merah, masak sehingga daun sawi sedikit layu.
Masukkan taugeh dan masak selama 30 saat dan sedia di hidang.
Taburkan daun bawang dan bawang goreng untuk penambah rasa.
Memang campak-campak aje wei. Itu pun sedap :)
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
I went to 3 different hypermarkets in my neighborhood area to find the couscous but disappointed. I managed to get hulled millet since the texture almost similar with couscous but the cooking method are absolutely different. Sigh.
Hulled Millet Salad
1 cup organic millet
2 cups of water
3/4 cube chicken stock
Salt if needed
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 cup brocolli
1/2 cup wild rocket (roughly chopped)
1 tomato (seeded and roughly chopped)
Heat a heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium heat. Pour the millet into the saucepan and stir constantly for 2-3 minutes until it smells deliciously toasty.
Pour the boiling water into the saucepan and also add in the chicken cube. Mix them well, simmer until all the liquid has been absorbed, 20-25 minutes. Turn off heat and let stand, covered for 5 minutes. Splash the olive oil, add in the lemon juice and fluff immediately with a fork. Set aside.
Once the millet cooled, mix with the steamed brocolli, tomato and wild rocket.
Crispy Skin Salmon
2 boneless salmon
A pinch of salt
A pinch of black pepper
1/2 tbsp butter
Rub the salmon with salt and pepper. Melt the butter in non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Add salmon, skin side down and cook for 4-5 minutes or till the skin crispy.
Turn and cook for a minute or until cooked to your liking.
Grilled the asparagus in the same frying pan for a minute.
Spoon the millet into a plate, place the salmon on top and accompanied by the grilled asparagus.
Pemilihan salmon adalah sangat penting sebab salmon yang tidak segar akan mempengaruhi rasa salmon. Tengok lah salmon yang I beli ni, warnanya sangat cantik dan segar.
Terlalu nikmat makan salad macam ni :)
Peace be upon you
I went to 3 different hypermarkets in my neighborhood area to find the couscous but disappointed. I managed to get hulled millet since the texture almost similar with couscous but the cooking method are absolutely different. Sigh.
Hulled Millet Salad
1 cup organic millet
2 cups of water
3/4 cube chicken stock
Salt if needed
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 cup brocolli
1/2 cup wild rocket (roughly chopped)
1 tomato (seeded and roughly chopped)
Heat a heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium heat. Pour the millet into the saucepan and stir constantly for 2-3 minutes until it smells deliciously toasty.
Pour the boiling water into the saucepan and also add in the chicken cube. Mix them well, simmer until all the liquid has been absorbed, 20-25 minutes. Turn off heat and let stand, covered for 5 minutes. Splash the olive oil, add in the lemon juice and fluff immediately with a fork. Set aside.
Once the millet cooled, mix with the steamed brocolli, tomato and wild rocket.
Crispy Skin Salmon
2 boneless salmon
A pinch of salt
A pinch of black pepper
1/2 tbsp butter
Rub the salmon with salt and pepper. Melt the butter in non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Add salmon, skin side down and cook for 4-5 minutes or till the skin crispy.
Turn and cook for a minute or until cooked to your liking.
Grilled the asparagus in the same frying pan for a minute.
Spoon the millet into a plate, place the salmon on top and accompanied by the grilled asparagus.
Pemilihan salmon adalah sangat penting sebab salmon yang tidak segar akan mempengaruhi rasa salmon. Tengok lah salmon yang I beli ni, warnanya sangat cantik dan segar.
Terlalu nikmat makan salad macam ni :)
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
Menu 7 : 18th January 2014
Cencaru sumbat bakar, kangkung goreng belacan.
Pada asalnya I nak buat tilapia bakar tapi since I malas nak pegi cari ikan tu, I gantikan dengan ikan cencaru hehe. I think this kind of fish is everyone's favourite. Most of us love to have it grilled and filled it with the spicy coconut but sometimes I made sambal fish. And the taste still yums.. :)
Without any delays, let see the recipe.
2 Torpedo scads (medium size)
1 tsp tumeric powder
1 tsp salt
Clean the fish and halve from upper side.
Rub the fish with tumeric and salt and set aside.
Spicy Coconut Filling
1 cup grated coconut
2-3 shallots
3 tbsp chili paste
1/2 thumb size shrimp paste
2-3 lemongrass (thinly slice)
Salt to taste
2-3 bird's eye chillies
1 tsp tumeric powder
1/2 tsp tamarind paste
1/2 tbsp sugar
Pound shallots, bird's eye chillies and lemongrass. Once done, mix all the ingredients in a bowl.
Mixed them well and stuff the coconut filling into the fish. Grilled the fish both side till brown or cook.
Dipping Sauce
1/2 cup light soy sauce (I guna kicap kipas udang)
5-6 bird's eye chillies (thinly slice)
1 medium size tomato (thinly slice)
1 onion (thinly slice)
1/2 tbsp lime juice
Mix all the ingredients.
Peace be upon you
Menu 7 : 18th January 2014
Cencaru sumbat bakar, kangkung goreng belacan.
Pada asalnya I nak buat tilapia bakar tapi since I malas nak pegi cari ikan tu, I gantikan dengan ikan cencaru hehe. I think this kind of fish is everyone's favourite. Most of us love to have it grilled and filled it with the spicy coconut but sometimes I made sambal fish. And the taste still yums.. :)
Without any delays, let see the recipe.
2 Torpedo scads (medium size)
1 tsp tumeric powder
1 tsp salt
Clean the fish and halve from upper side.
Rub the fish with tumeric and salt and set aside.
Spicy Coconut Filling
1 cup grated coconut
2-3 shallots
3 tbsp chili paste
1/2 thumb size shrimp paste
2-3 lemongrass (thinly slice)
Salt to taste
2-3 bird's eye chillies
1 tsp tumeric powder
1/2 tsp tamarind paste
1/2 tbsp sugar
Pound shallots, bird's eye chillies and lemongrass. Once done, mix all the ingredients in a bowl.
Mixed them well and stuff the coconut filling into the fish. Grilled the fish both side till brown or cook.
Dipping Sauce
1/2 cup light soy sauce (I guna kicap kipas udang)
5-6 bird's eye chillies (thinly slice)
1 medium size tomato (thinly slice)
1 onion (thinly slice)
1/2 tbsp lime juice
Mix all the ingredients.
Monday, January 20, 2014
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
Menu 6 : 17th January 2014
Menu ke-6 for this month ialah menu orang kampung. Sebab apa orang kampung? Sebab this kind of dishes are reminds me to my chilhood days. Teringat I masa kecil-kecil dulu sebelum my Dad turun ke sawah, my Mom akan tanak pulut and makan dengan ikan sepat kering and air kopi.
Kalau dulu, waktu pagi masih berkabus and sangat sejuk. Bayangkan lah betapa nikmatnya pada waktu tu. Macam tinggal kat Cameron Highlands wa cakap sama lu! Orang kota Metropolitan mungkin tak rasa semua ni kan?
Sebenarnya I tak terfikir nak update recipe for this kind of dishes tapi di sebabkan kenalan IG I Dea 'paksa' I update recipe, so I dengan berbesar hati update jugak. Tapi recipe for sambal bilis dengan ikan masin tu aje lah ye :)
Fried Tenggiri (Cero)
2 Salted Tenggiri fillets
1 onion (thinly slice)
6 bird's eye chillies
1 red chili
1 tbsp corn starch (to coat the fish)
1 cup vegetable oil (kalau ada baki minyak goreng ikan or ayam lebih bagus sebab lepas goreng ikan masin ni terus buang aje minyaknye tu. Takde lah bazir kalau pakai minyak baru)
Coat Tenggiri with corn starch, put aside. Heat oil in a wok over medium heat. Fry the fish till brown. Pat the fried fish with kitchen paper towel to absorb the excess oil.
Add the onion and chillies into the same cooking oil and cook till fragrant. Turn off the fire and pat with kitchen paper towel as well. Pour on top of salted fish as garnish.
Sambal Ikan Bilis
5-6 tbsp chili paste
1 onion (grind)
2 cloves gralic (grind)
1 tsp tamarind paste
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 thumb size shrimp paste (grind with onion and garlic)
1 cup crispy achovies (deep fried)
1/2 cup of water
1/4 cup vegetable oil
Heat oil in a wok over medium heat. Pour chili paste and the grinded ingredients. Cook for 3 minutes or till fragrant and water absorbed.
Add in sugar, tamarind paste and water and cook till water absorbed for the second time. Add in the crispy anchovies and mix them well. Turn off the fire and pour the spicy anchovies in a serving bowl.
Sekali sekala dapat makan macam ni memang lah terasa kenikmatannya.
Peace be upon you
Menu 6 : 17th January 2014
Menu ke-6 for this month ialah menu orang kampung. Sebab apa orang kampung? Sebab this kind of dishes are reminds me to my chilhood days. Teringat I masa kecil-kecil dulu sebelum my Dad turun ke sawah, my Mom akan tanak pulut and makan dengan ikan sepat kering and air kopi.
Kalau dulu, waktu pagi masih berkabus and sangat sejuk. Bayangkan lah betapa nikmatnya pada waktu tu. Macam tinggal kat Cameron Highlands wa cakap sama lu! Orang kota Metropolitan mungkin tak rasa semua ni kan?

Fried Tenggiri (Cero)
2 Salted Tenggiri fillets
1 onion (thinly slice)
6 bird's eye chillies
1 red chili
1 tbsp corn starch (to coat the fish)
1 cup vegetable oil (kalau ada baki minyak goreng ikan or ayam lebih bagus sebab lepas goreng ikan masin ni terus buang aje minyaknye tu. Takde lah bazir kalau pakai minyak baru)
Coat Tenggiri with corn starch, put aside. Heat oil in a wok over medium heat. Fry the fish till brown. Pat the fried fish with kitchen paper towel to absorb the excess oil.
Add the onion and chillies into the same cooking oil and cook till fragrant. Turn off the fire and pat with kitchen paper towel as well. Pour on top of salted fish as garnish.
Sambal Ikan Bilis
5-6 tbsp chili paste
1 onion (grind)
2 cloves gralic (grind)
1 tsp tamarind paste
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 thumb size shrimp paste (grind with onion and garlic)
1 cup crispy achovies (deep fried)
1/2 cup of water
1/4 cup vegetable oil
Heat oil in a wok over medium heat. Pour chili paste and the grinded ingredients. Cook for 3 minutes or till fragrant and water absorbed.
Add in sugar, tamarind paste and water and cook till water absorbed for the second time. Add in the crispy anchovies and mix them well. Turn off the fire and pour the spicy anchovies in a serving bowl.
Sekali sekala dapat makan macam ni memang lah terasa kenikmatannya.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
Menu 5 : 14th January 2014
I masak campak-campak aje for this kind of soup. :)

1 pack of thin rice noodle
2 cloves garlic (finely chopped)
1 chicken breast (thinly slice / cut into chunks)
1/2 cube of tomyam cube
2 tbsp tomyam paste
1 lemongrass (thinly slice)
1 tube squid (pineapple cut)
6-8 medium size prawn (peeled, devined)
5 cm carrot (cut into matchsticks) *
1 handful cauliflower *
8-10 fish balls *
1 fish cake (thinly slice) *
5 bird's eye chillies (finely chopped atau tumbuk sampai lumat)
500-600 ml water
3 tbsp fish sauce (depend on you)
2 tsp lime juice*
5 kaffir lime leave (shredded) *
Coriander leaves for garnish
Boil water in a pot over medium heat. Add garlic, lemongrass, tomyam cube, tomyam paste, chillies, fish sauce and chicken and boil for 5 minutes.
Add in the * ingredients and cook for a minute.
Add seafoods and cook for 20 - 30 seconds. Turn off fire, set aside.
Rinse the rice noodle with hot water (for one serving), drain and pour it in a bowl. Pour the soup over the rice noodle and garnish with coriander leaves.
Di Malaysia sekarang ni tengah panas tentang KANGKUNG. Ye kangkung la.. Hal ini gara-gara Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak menyebut perihal harga kangkung yang dah turun harga di dalam satu majlis. Katanya harga kangkung turun kenapa tak puji kerajaan.
Gara-gara ucapan beliau tu Facebook mengalami kesesakan traffic dan kebanyakkan pengguna Facebook telah di SPAM dengan status-status dan gambar-gambar kangkung. Pada pendapat I kita ni tak perlu terlalu obses untuk express kan ketidakpuasan hati kita terhadap apa yang kita tak suka. You kata macam-macam and ada sesetengahnya menjadi fitnah.. ianya boleh mengubah keadaan ke? Sebagai contoh, kerajaan akan turunkan harga minyak ke? Kerajaan akan turunkan harga gula ke? Tidak bukan? Jadi tak perlu lah terlalu obses untuk meluahkan rasa hati.
Pada pendapat I juga, Datuk Seri Najib tidak wajar menggunakan kangkung sebagai contoh kerana kangkung adalah barangan substitute manakala petrol atau gula adalah barangan complementary.
Sama juga dengan kehidupan seharian kita, jangan lah kita terlalu obses untuk menjaga perihal orang lain. Tidak mendatangkan apa-apa kebaikan pun terhadap kita. Jika kita suka, alhamdulillah.. Jika kita tak suka dengan sesuatu tentang orang lain, kita dengar, kita tengok dan diam. Tak perlu nak war-war kan pada si pulan si pulan yang kita tidak gemarkan apa yang di lakukannya, apa yang dia miliki, apa yang dia katakan.
Redha dengan apa yang berlaku, muhasabah diri, positive thinking to others dan lakukan yang terbaik. Tingkatkan kemajuan diri di tempat kerja supaya kita lebih mendapat manfaatnya. Mana lah tau dapat promotion dan kenaikan gaji jadi tak perlu lagi merungut itu dan ini. Atau mana tau, hujung tahun dapat bonus berbulan-bulan dengan kerja keras you all? Tapi jangan lah pulak bila dapat bonus berbulan-bulan you all belanjakan untuk new PRADA, new HERMES, new MACBOOK AIR, new WHEELS pulak. Bonus tu boleh di gunakan untuk cover yang mana tak cukup dan di gunakan untuk keperluan kita. Beringat sebelum kita susah di kemudian hari.
Penat dah bebel.. Lama tak tengok SNOWY kan?
Ha'ah.. dah besar dah dia :) Kalau bangun tidur macam ni lah dia.. Mata layu pastu duduk termenung hehe
He amazed me dengan massage I subuh semalam. Tak pernah-pernah, tiba-tiba dia massage belakang I. Terkejut jugak mula-mula and dia tak nak stop bila I suruh stop. Lama la jugak.. I tarik tangan dia baru dia stop pastu dia tertidur pulak hahaha.
Selamat menyambut hari Thaipusam pada yang meraikannya.
Peace be upon you
Menu 5 : 14th January 2014
I masak campak-campak aje for this kind of soup. :)

1 pack of thin rice noodle
2 cloves garlic (finely chopped)
1 chicken breast (thinly slice / cut into chunks)
1/2 cube of tomyam cube
2 tbsp tomyam paste
1 lemongrass (thinly slice)
1 tube squid (pineapple cut)
6-8 medium size prawn (peeled, devined)
5 cm carrot (cut into matchsticks) *
1 handful cauliflower *
8-10 fish balls *
1 fish cake (thinly slice) *
5 bird's eye chillies (finely chopped atau tumbuk sampai lumat)
500-600 ml water
3 tbsp fish sauce (depend on you)
2 tsp lime juice*
5 kaffir lime leave (shredded) *
Coriander leaves for garnish
Boil water in a pot over medium heat. Add garlic, lemongrass, tomyam cube, tomyam paste, chillies, fish sauce and chicken and boil for 5 minutes.
Add in the * ingredients and cook for a minute.
Add seafoods and cook for 20 - 30 seconds. Turn off fire, set aside.
Rinse the rice noodle with hot water (for one serving), drain and pour it in a bowl. Pour the soup over the rice noodle and garnish with coriander leaves.
Di Malaysia sekarang ni tengah panas tentang KANGKUNG. Ye kangkung la.. Hal ini gara-gara Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak menyebut perihal harga kangkung yang dah turun harga di dalam satu majlis. Katanya harga kangkung turun kenapa tak puji kerajaan.
Gara-gara ucapan beliau tu Facebook mengalami kesesakan traffic dan kebanyakkan pengguna Facebook telah di SPAM dengan status-status dan gambar-gambar kangkung. Pada pendapat I kita ni tak perlu terlalu obses untuk express kan ketidakpuasan hati kita terhadap apa yang kita tak suka. You kata macam-macam and ada sesetengahnya menjadi fitnah.. ianya boleh mengubah keadaan ke? Sebagai contoh, kerajaan akan turunkan harga minyak ke? Kerajaan akan turunkan harga gula ke? Tidak bukan? Jadi tak perlu lah terlalu obses untuk meluahkan rasa hati.
Pada pendapat I juga, Datuk Seri Najib tidak wajar menggunakan kangkung sebagai contoh kerana kangkung adalah barangan substitute manakala petrol atau gula adalah barangan complementary.
Sama juga dengan kehidupan seharian kita, jangan lah kita terlalu obses untuk menjaga perihal orang lain. Tidak mendatangkan apa-apa kebaikan pun terhadap kita. Jika kita suka, alhamdulillah.. Jika kita tak suka dengan sesuatu tentang orang lain, kita dengar, kita tengok dan diam. Tak perlu nak war-war kan pada si pulan si pulan yang kita tidak gemarkan apa yang di lakukannya, apa yang dia miliki, apa yang dia katakan.
Redha dengan apa yang berlaku, muhasabah diri, positive thinking to others dan lakukan yang terbaik. Tingkatkan kemajuan diri di tempat kerja supaya kita lebih mendapat manfaatnya. Mana lah tau dapat promotion dan kenaikan gaji jadi tak perlu lagi merungut itu dan ini. Atau mana tau, hujung tahun dapat bonus berbulan-bulan dengan kerja keras you all? Tapi jangan lah pulak bila dapat bonus berbulan-bulan you all belanjakan untuk new PRADA, new HERMES, new MACBOOK AIR, new WHEELS pulak. Bonus tu boleh di gunakan untuk cover yang mana tak cukup dan di gunakan untuk keperluan kita. Beringat sebelum kita susah di kemudian hari.
Penat dah bebel.. Lama tak tengok SNOWY kan?
Ha'ah.. dah besar dah dia :) Kalau bangun tidur macam ni lah dia.. Mata layu pastu duduk termenung hehe
He amazed me dengan massage I subuh semalam. Tak pernah-pernah, tiba-tiba dia massage belakang I. Terkejut jugak mula-mula and dia tak nak stop bila I suruh stop. Lama la jugak.. I tarik tangan dia baru dia stop pastu dia tertidur pulak hahaha.
Selamat menyambut hari Thaipusam pada yang meraikannya.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
I love this kind of simple dish. This is the 4th menu for my weekly food challenge and I skip my 3rd menu sebab on that day I stayed at my sister house. So dia yang masak kui kui kui. Paprik kali ni I memang betul-betul main campak-campak aje wei and masak tak sampai 1/2 jam pon. I campur dengan hati and pedal ayam tu sekali.
1 chicken breast (thinly slice, about 5mm thick or cut into chunks)
1 chicken liver (thinly slice)
1 chicken gizzard (thinly slice)
3 cloves garlic (crushed)
2 tbsp fish sauce
2-3 tbsp chili sauce
2 baby corn (thinly slice) *
3 cm carrot (cut into matchsticks) *
8-10 bird's eye chillies (crushed)
1 handful cauliflower *
1 onion (devide to 4) *
5 kaffir lime leave (shredded) *
2-3 tbsp vegetable oil
Water to boil
Add chicken, liver and gizzard into boiling water. Cook for 5 minutes. Drain and set aside.
Heat oil in a wok over high heat. Add garlic and cook till fragrant. Add fish sauce, chilli sauce and bird's eye chillies and stir them well. Add chicken, liver, gizzard and the * ingredients and cook for a minute. Do not overcooked the vegies.
Note :
Petua supaya sos tak rasa juice ayam sangat, rebus dulu macam I.
Supaya vegies still fresh and crunchy jangan masak terlalu lama. Lagi pun kan ayam dah rebus tadi. So tak perlu risau ayam mentah or whatnots.
Guna api yang besar untuk masak this kind of food. So warna sayur akan kekal sebab masak tak lama.
Kan betul I campak-campak je semua? Hahahaha
Peace be upon you
I love this kind of simple dish. This is the 4th menu for my weekly food challenge and I skip my 3rd menu sebab on that day I stayed at my sister house. So dia yang masak kui kui kui. Paprik kali ni I memang betul-betul main campak-campak aje wei and masak tak sampai 1/2 jam pon. I campur dengan hati and pedal ayam tu sekali.
1 chicken breast (thinly slice, about 5mm thick or cut into chunks)
1 chicken liver (thinly slice)
1 chicken gizzard (thinly slice)
3 cloves garlic (crushed)
2 tbsp fish sauce
2-3 tbsp chili sauce
2 baby corn (thinly slice) *
3 cm carrot (cut into matchsticks) *
8-10 bird's eye chillies (crushed)
1 handful cauliflower *
1 onion (devide to 4) *
5 kaffir lime leave (shredded) *
2-3 tbsp vegetable oil
Water to boil
Add chicken, liver and gizzard into boiling water. Cook for 5 minutes. Drain and set aside.
Heat oil in a wok over high heat. Add garlic and cook till fragrant. Add fish sauce, chilli sauce and bird's eye chillies and stir them well. Add chicken, liver, gizzard and the * ingredients and cook for a minute. Do not overcooked the vegies.
Note :
Petua supaya sos tak rasa juice ayam sangat, rebus dulu macam I.
Supaya vegies still fresh and crunchy jangan masak terlalu lama. Lagi pun kan ayam dah rebus tadi. So tak perlu risau ayam mentah or whatnots.
Guna api yang besar untuk masak this kind of food. So warna sayur akan kekal sebab masak tak lama.
Kan betul I campak-campak je semua? Hahahaha
Monday, January 13, 2014
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
1 package soft silken tofu / Japanese Tofu
2 cloves garlic (finely chop)*
1 shallot (finely chop)*
Thumb size garlic (finely chop)*
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1-2 tbsp light soy sauce (I guna kicap kipas udang)
Fried shallots and shredded spring onion for garnish
Place tofu on a plate and steam for 2-3 minutes. Remove and put aside.
Heat oil in a wok or medium sauce pan. Add the * ingredients and cook till brown or fragrant.
Add in the soy sauce and cook for a minute. Pour the sauce on top of tofu and garnish with fried shallot and shredded spring onion.
Peace be upon you
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Ada sedikit gelongsoran di situ. |
1 package soft silken tofu / Japanese Tofu
2 cloves garlic (finely chop)*
1 shallot (finely chop)*
Thumb size garlic (finely chop)*
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1-2 tbsp light soy sauce (I guna kicap kipas udang)
Fried shallots and shredded spring onion for garnish
Place tofu on a plate and steam for 2-3 minutes. Remove and put aside.
Heat oil in a wok or medium sauce pan. Add the * ingredients and cook till brown or fragrant.
Add in the soy sauce and cook for a minute. Pour the sauce on top of tofu and garnish with fried shallot and shredded spring onion.
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I have it with Fried Chicken Indonesian Style |
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
Ada yang mengatakan jika kita makan organ dalaman haiwan adalah tidak baik. Betul ke? Tapi mengikut kajian sains, jika kita makan hati ayam atau haiwan lain seperti lembu, ia dapat menambah darah dalam badan kita dan juga ia mengandungi zat besi yang tinggi.
Tapi Rasulullah tidak menggalakan makan organ dalaman haiwan seperti hati kerana ia akan melembapkan otak kita sebab semua toksin akan dikumpulkan dan dineutralkan di hati tu. Kalau nak tau lebih lanjut, you all boleh singgah wordpress Peribadi Rasulullah ni sebab banyak yang kita tak tau tentang Rasulullah ada dalam ni.
Bukan tak boleh makan, Rasulullah sendiri kata dia tak menggalakan untuk makan organ dalaman jadi you all tak perlu risau. Boleh makan cuma jangan selalu. Kalau takut otak you all lembap sebab makan semua benda tu, you all cover lah balik dengan makan ginko biloba :) Sebab ginko biloba ni menggalakan peredaran darah termasuk ke otak, tangan dan kaki. Ia juga baik untuk memori. In shaa Allah. Terlalu banyak khasiat ginko biloba ni and you all boleh google je kalau nak tau lebih lanjut khasiatnya.
Iklan lah pulak sekejap ye? Takpe, kita sama-sama share apa saja yang bermanfaat untuk diri kita ye?
So menu yang kedua untuk January 2014 adalah seperti di bawah and I nak share recipe untuk hati ayam goreng kunyit.
4 hati ayam
3 bawang kecil *
2 bawang putih *
2 cm halia *
1 sk serbuk kunyit
1 sk garam
1/2 labu bawang besar (di belah 3)
5-6 biji cili padi dititik
2-3 sudu besar minyak masak
1 sudu kecil asam jawa extra adabi
1/2 cawan air
Tumbuk bahan bertanda *. Panaskan minyak dalam kuali dengan api yang sederhana. Tumiskan bahan yang di tumbuk sehingga naik bau.
Gaul hati ayam dengan serbuk kunyit dah garam. Setelah bahan tumisan naik bau dan keperangan, masukkan asam jawa dan hati ayam dan goreng selama 3 minit for both side.
Masukkan air dan masak hingga kering. Masukkan garam jika perlu. Setelah kuah hampir kering, masukkan bawang besar dan cili padi dan masak hingga kering.
Nota :
Sepatutnya I nak goreng sekejap hati tu tapi sebab malas nak tunggu, so I terus masuk je dalam bahan tumisan. Kalau goreng dulu lebih sedap sebab garing sikit.
Updating 19/03/2014
4 chicken liver (cleaned and drained)
3 shallots *
2 cloves garlic *
2 cm ginger *
1 tsp tumeric powder
1 tsp salt (you can add more for your liking)
1/2 onion (devide to 3)
5-6 bird's eye chillies (crushed)
2-3 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tsp tamarind paste
1/2 cup of water
Pound * ingredients. Heat oil in a wok over medium heat, add * ingredients and cook till fragrant.
Rub the chicken liver with salt and tumeric powder.Add in chicken liver and tamarind paste into wok and mix them well and cook for 3 minutes.
Pour in the water and simmer till lil bit thicken. Add in onion, chillies and simmer till the water absorbed. Ready to serve.
P/S : I found that someone from Singapore is trying to translate the recipe to English via Google Translate. Please do not hesitate to leave your comment and request to update recipe in English for your convenience. Thank you.
I suka jugak kalau hati ayam ni di masak kicap and taruk sikit lada hitam and masak sekali dengan pedal. Walaaahhh!
Peace be upon you
Ada yang mengatakan jika kita makan organ dalaman haiwan adalah tidak baik. Betul ke? Tapi mengikut kajian sains, jika kita makan hati ayam atau haiwan lain seperti lembu, ia dapat menambah darah dalam badan kita dan juga ia mengandungi zat besi yang tinggi.
Tapi Rasulullah tidak menggalakan makan organ dalaman haiwan seperti hati kerana ia akan melembapkan otak kita sebab semua toksin akan dikumpulkan dan dineutralkan di hati tu. Kalau nak tau lebih lanjut, you all boleh singgah wordpress Peribadi Rasulullah ni sebab banyak yang kita tak tau tentang Rasulullah ada dalam ni.
Bukan tak boleh makan, Rasulullah sendiri kata dia tak menggalakan untuk makan organ dalaman jadi you all tak perlu risau. Boleh makan cuma jangan selalu. Kalau takut otak you all lembap sebab makan semua benda tu, you all cover lah balik dengan makan ginko biloba :) Sebab ginko biloba ni menggalakan peredaran darah termasuk ke otak, tangan dan kaki. Ia juga baik untuk memori. In shaa Allah. Terlalu banyak khasiat ginko biloba ni and you all boleh google je kalau nak tau lebih lanjut khasiatnya.
Iklan lah pulak sekejap ye? Takpe, kita sama-sama share apa saja yang bermanfaat untuk diri kita ye?
So menu yang kedua untuk January 2014 adalah seperti di bawah and I nak share recipe untuk hati ayam goreng kunyit.
4 hati ayam
3 bawang kecil *
2 bawang putih *
2 cm halia *
1 sk serbuk kunyit
1 sk garam
1/2 labu bawang besar (di belah 3)
5-6 biji cili padi dititik
2-3 sudu besar minyak masak
1 sudu kecil asam jawa extra adabi
1/2 cawan air
Tumbuk bahan bertanda *. Panaskan minyak dalam kuali dengan api yang sederhana. Tumiskan bahan yang di tumbuk sehingga naik bau.
Gaul hati ayam dengan serbuk kunyit dah garam. Setelah bahan tumisan naik bau dan keperangan, masukkan asam jawa dan hati ayam dan goreng selama 3 minit for both side.
Masukkan air dan masak hingga kering. Masukkan garam jika perlu. Setelah kuah hampir kering, masukkan bawang besar dan cili padi dan masak hingga kering.
Nota :
Sepatutnya I nak goreng sekejap hati tu tapi sebab malas nak tunggu, so I terus masuk je dalam bahan tumisan. Kalau goreng dulu lebih sedap sebab garing sikit.
Updating 19/03/2014
4 chicken liver (cleaned and drained)
3 shallots *
2 cloves garlic *
2 cm ginger *
1 tsp tumeric powder
1 tsp salt (you can add more for your liking)
1/2 onion (devide to 3)
5-6 bird's eye chillies (crushed)
2-3 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tsp tamarind paste
1/2 cup of water
Pound * ingredients. Heat oil in a wok over medium heat, add * ingredients and cook till fragrant.
Rub the chicken liver with salt and tumeric powder.Add in chicken liver and tamarind paste into wok and mix them well and cook for 3 minutes.
Pour in the water and simmer till lil bit thicken. Add in onion, chillies and simmer till the water absorbed. Ready to serve.
P/S : I found that someone from Singapore is trying to translate the recipe to English via Google Translate. Please do not hesitate to leave your comment and request to update recipe in English for your convenience. Thank you.
I suka jugak kalau hati ayam ni di masak kicap and taruk sikit lada hitam and masak sekali dengan pedal. Walaaahhh!
Monday, January 6, 2014
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
I created a 'Menu Calendar' which I planned what to cook on January 2014 but only on weekend or Public Holiday :)
Honestly, that's inspired lot of my friends in IG hahaha. Masing-masing nak buat this type of calendar. I am happy to share with you my friends.
So, the first menu in January is Kuay Teow Kungfu. Jom kita tengok recipe.
Ingredients (For one serving)
1 handful thin rice noodle
1 egg
1/2 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp soy sauce
1 tbsp vegetable oil
Whisk an egg in a bowl. Add in sesame oil, soy sauce and rice noodle and mix them well.
Heat oil in a wok over medium heat, pour the mixture and cook till brown (and lil bit crispy) for both side. Put aside.
1/2 cup chicken breast (cube)
2 cloves garlic (finely chopped)
3 cups of water
2 tbsp fish sauce (depend on you)
5 cm carrot (slice about 5mm thick)
1/4 cup cauliflower
1/4 cup kailan
1 tube squid (cut into ring or pineapple cut)
5 prawns (heads and shells removed, devined)
1 tbsp corn starch
1 egg
2 tbsp Vegetable oil
Heat oil in a wok (easier for me)over high heat. Stir in garlic and cook till fragrant. Add in chicken breast and cook for a minute.
Pour in the water and fish sauce, boil for 5 minutes.
Add in the vegetables. Whisk an egg in a bowl, pour into gravy and stir them well. Mix corn starch with water and pour into the gravy as well. Cook till the gravy thicken. Add in squid and prawns and cook for 15-20 seconds.
Pour the gravy over the rice noodle and you may have it with 'cili potong kicap'
Note :
Kenapa 15-20 seconds for the seafood? As usual, to maintain their freshness and I love to have them crunchy.
Masa you all tuang telur tu, jangan tuang habis sedebuk camtu, you angkat mangkuk telur tu jarak 30 cm dari kuali and tuang sikit-sikit (tapi berterusan bukan stop stop)sambil tangan kanan kacau kuah tu. Jadi you all akan dapat jaluran (jaluran?? ntah apa perkataan I guna ni? Harap you all faham haha) telur yang cantik.
Kebetulan my sister dengan anak-anak dia datang rumah. They're soooo langkah kanan and they love it very much especially my niece.
Happy me! :)
Peace be upon you
I created a 'Menu Calendar' which I planned what to cook on January 2014 but only on weekend or Public Holiday :)
Honestly, that's inspired lot of my friends in IG hahaha. Masing-masing nak buat this type of calendar. I am happy to share with you my friends.
So, the first menu in January is Kuay Teow Kungfu. Jom kita tengok recipe.
Ingredients (For one serving)
1 handful thin rice noodle
1 egg
1/2 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp soy sauce
1 tbsp vegetable oil
Whisk an egg in a bowl. Add in sesame oil, soy sauce and rice noodle and mix them well.
Heat oil in a wok over medium heat, pour the mixture and cook till brown (and lil bit crispy) for both side. Put aside.
1/2 cup chicken breast (cube)
2 cloves garlic (finely chopped)
3 cups of water
2 tbsp fish sauce (depend on you)
5 cm carrot (slice about 5mm thick)
1/4 cup cauliflower
1/4 cup kailan
1 tube squid (cut into ring or pineapple cut)
5 prawns (heads and shells removed, devined)
1 tbsp corn starch
1 egg
2 tbsp Vegetable oil
Heat oil in a wok (easier for me)over high heat. Stir in garlic and cook till fragrant. Add in chicken breast and cook for a minute.
Pour in the water and fish sauce, boil for 5 minutes.
Add in the vegetables. Whisk an egg in a bowl, pour into gravy and stir them well. Mix corn starch with water and pour into the gravy as well. Cook till the gravy thicken. Add in squid and prawns and cook for 15-20 seconds.
Pour the gravy over the rice noodle and you may have it with 'cili potong kicap'
Note :
Kenapa 15-20 seconds for the seafood? As usual, to maintain their freshness and I love to have them crunchy.
Masa you all tuang telur tu, jangan tuang habis sedebuk camtu, you angkat mangkuk telur tu jarak 30 cm dari kuali and tuang sikit-sikit (tapi berterusan bukan stop stop)sambil tangan kanan kacau kuah tu. Jadi you all akan dapat jaluran (jaluran?? ntah apa perkataan I guna ni? Harap you all faham haha) telur yang cantik.
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I managed to get my noodle in cylinder shape :) |
Kebetulan my sister dengan anak-anak dia datang rumah. They're soooo langkah kanan and they love it very much especially my niece.
Happy me! :)
Friday, January 3, 2014
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