Monday, April 28, 2014
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
1 kg cockles (rinsed and drained)
5 shallots *
3 cloves garlic *
1 thumb size ginger *
1/2 thumb size tumeric (pounded)
10 red chilies *
1 sprig curry leaves
2 stalks lemongrass (crushed)
10-15 piper sarmentosums
2 cup of water
1 cup coconut milk
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp tamarind paste
2 tbsp curry powder
5 tbsp vegetable oil
Salt to taste
Steam the cockles and remove from the shell and set aside.
Place all * ingredients in food processor together with a cup of water. Grinding until it turn to paste. Heat oil in a heavy bottomed sauce pan over medium heat and pour the * ingredients together with lemongrass, tamarind paste and tumeric. Simmer till the water absorbed.
Add in curry leaves, curry powder and cook for 2 minutes. Add in the remaining water and cook till the water absorbed for second time.
Add in cockles, piper sarmentosums, salt, sugar and mixed them well for few seconds. Pour in the coconut milk and cook till lil bit thicken. Ready to serve.
In my opinion, this kind of curry is super delicious and it has been admitted by my neighbor as well. I gave her a small portion for her lunch and she said that it was incredible delicious!
Kalau you all tak percaya, then boleh lah try :)
Friday, April 25, 2014
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
Kerabu pucuk paku ni di gandingkan dengan sambal petai pada hari Sabtu yang lepas. Bukan sambal petai saja yang menjadi penambah selera bahkan kerabu ni pun membuatkan I makan bertambah-tambah :)
Bahan - bahan
1 ikat pucuk paku
2 cawan taugeh
1/2 cawan kerang (sukatan apabila sudah di asingkan dari cengkerang)
5 ulas bawang merah *
3-4 batang serai (di hiris halus) *
5 biji cili padi *
2 biji cili merah (di buang biji) *
Belacan sebesar ibu jari *
Sedikit garam
1/4 sudu kecil serbuk kunyit
2 sudu besar kerisik
1 biji limau kasturi (di ambil jus)
2 helai daun limau purut (di mayang halus)
Sedikit gula jika suka
Air untuk celur sayur
Cara - cara
Didikan air di dalam periuk dan setelah mendidih masukkan pucuk paku yang telah di siang. Celur selama 10 saat dan toskan. Rendam dengan air sejuk beberapa saat dan toskan.
Didihkan air dia dalam periuk dan setelah mendidih, padamkan api dan masukkan taugeh ke dalam air panas 5-6 saat dan toskan. Rendam dengan air sejuk beberapa saat dan toskan.
Tumbuk bahan * hingga lumat. Sangai bersama gula, garam dan serbuk kunyit hingga kering.
Masukkan pucuk paku, taugeh, kerang, kerisik, daun limau purut, bahan yang di sangai dan jus limau kasturi di dalam mangkuk besar dan gaul sebati. Suaikan rasa dan sedia di hidang.
Note :
Kalau nak tambah hirisan bawang besar pun boleh.
Kalau nak gantikan kerisik dengan kelapa parut pun boleh. Ikut citarasa you all.
Selamat mencuba!
Peace be upon you
Kerabu pucuk paku ni di gandingkan dengan sambal petai pada hari Sabtu yang lepas. Bukan sambal petai saja yang menjadi penambah selera bahkan kerabu ni pun membuatkan I makan bertambah-tambah :)
Bahan - bahan
1 ikat pucuk paku
2 cawan taugeh
1/2 cawan kerang (sukatan apabila sudah di asingkan dari cengkerang)
5 ulas bawang merah *
3-4 batang serai (di hiris halus) *
5 biji cili padi *
2 biji cili merah (di buang biji) *
Belacan sebesar ibu jari *
Sedikit garam
1/4 sudu kecil serbuk kunyit
2 sudu besar kerisik
1 biji limau kasturi (di ambil jus)
2 helai daun limau purut (di mayang halus)
Sedikit gula jika suka
Air untuk celur sayur
Cara - cara
Didikan air di dalam periuk dan setelah mendidih masukkan pucuk paku yang telah di siang. Celur selama 10 saat dan toskan. Rendam dengan air sejuk beberapa saat dan toskan.
Didihkan air dia dalam periuk dan setelah mendidih, padamkan api dan masukkan taugeh ke dalam air panas 5-6 saat dan toskan. Rendam dengan air sejuk beberapa saat dan toskan.
Tumbuk bahan * hingga lumat. Sangai bersama gula, garam dan serbuk kunyit hingga kering.
Masukkan pucuk paku, taugeh, kerang, kerisik, daun limau purut, bahan yang di sangai dan jus limau kasturi di dalam mangkuk besar dan gaul sebati. Suaikan rasa dan sedia di hidang.
Note :
Kalau nak tambah hirisan bawang besar pun boleh.
Kalau nak gantikan kerisik dengan kelapa parut pun boleh. Ikut citarasa you all.
Selamat mencuba!
Monday, April 21, 2014
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
Lama betul tak update resepi kan? Due to water rationing, I 've no mood to cook at all. Last week sebab teringin sangat baru lah I masak. Terpaksa beli dua tong air untuk simpan stock. Sigh.

Adapted From : Just Try & Taste
2 salted sea catfishes (ikan kering duri)- cut to small pieces (You can use any type of salted fish)
10 red chillies (seeded)*
4 shallots *
3 cloves garlic *
1 handful stinky beans (halved)
2cm garlic *
1/2 cube chicken stock
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 thumb size shrimp paste
1 cup vegetable oil
* I tak masukkan cili kering dan cili padi sebab tak tahan pedas hehe.
Soak salted fish in the water and drain. Heat oil in a wok over medium heat. Frying the salted fish till crispy and brown and set aside.
Place the * ingredients in the food processor and grind it for few seconds. Use the same cooking oil about 4 tbsp and heat over medium heat. Add in the grinded ingredients, chicken stock, shrimp paste and sugar and simmer for 5 minutes. If too dry add in lil bit water and cook till the water absorbed.
Add in stinky beans and cook for a minute and finally, add in the salted fish. Mix them well and ready to serve.
Note :
Soak the salted fish in the water to reduce the saltness.
I tak tambah salt sebab minyak masak gorengan ikan masin tu dah cukup masin.
Kalau guna ikan masin talang lebih sedap sebab banyak isi :)
Apa lagi? Sure lah makan bertambah-tambah kan? Layan pulak dengan kerabu pucuk paku tu. Memang tak ingat orang sebelah sebelah lah :)
First time cuba masak petai with ikan masin and red chillies instead of dried chillies memang terbaik! Terima kasih my dear Endang! Takkan rugi jika mencuba.
Peace be upon you
Lama betul tak update resepi kan? Due to water rationing, I 've no mood to cook at all. Last week sebab teringin sangat baru lah I masak. Terpaksa beli dua tong air untuk simpan stock. Sigh.

Adapted From : Just Try & Taste
2 salted sea catfishes (ikan kering duri)- cut to small pieces (You can use any type of salted fish)
10 red chillies (seeded)*
4 shallots *
3 cloves garlic *
1 handful stinky beans (halved)
2cm garlic *
1/2 cube chicken stock
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 thumb size shrimp paste
1 cup vegetable oil
* I tak masukkan cili kering dan cili padi sebab tak tahan pedas hehe.
Soak salted fish in the water and drain. Heat oil in a wok over medium heat. Frying the salted fish till crispy and brown and set aside.
Place the * ingredients in the food processor and grind it for few seconds. Use the same cooking oil about 4 tbsp and heat over medium heat. Add in the grinded ingredients, chicken stock, shrimp paste and sugar and simmer for 5 minutes. If too dry add in lil bit water and cook till the water absorbed.
Add in stinky beans and cook for a minute and finally, add in the salted fish. Mix them well and ready to serve.
Note :
Soak the salted fish in the water to reduce the saltness.
I tak tambah salt sebab minyak masak gorengan ikan masin tu dah cukup masin.
Kalau guna ikan masin talang lebih sedap sebab banyak isi :)
Apa lagi? Sure lah makan bertambah-tambah kan? Layan pulak dengan kerabu pucuk paku tu. Memang tak ingat orang sebelah sebelah lah :)
First time cuba masak petai with ikan masin and red chillies instead of dried chillies memang terbaik! Terima kasih my dear Endang! Takkan rugi jika mencuba.
Friday, April 18, 2014
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
I adopted these two lil kittens last 3 weeks and let me introduce you Toby and Ben. At first week, both of them keep their self away from me and lil bit afraid of any kind of sounds. They always get shocked everytime they heard louder sounds.
But now, they're okay and too pampered. Keep following me here and there. Sigh.
They love to hang out on the staircase :)
I think they're 4 season's type sebab suka sangat duduk depan refrigerator and INSIDE! Yes, inside! Sigh. "Mom, it's too hot nowadays so we decided to sit in it. Would you mind to get us the air-conditioner?" Oh korang, macam-macam korang request ek? Snowy dulu pun suka duduk depan fridge cuma sometimes dia memanjat tapi takde lah sampai duduk dalam macam tu.
Last night both of them masuk lagi and I closed the refrigerator's door :) After 5 seconds I buka balik and bulu diaorg sejuuuukk je bila keluar hahaha.
I masih rindukan Snowy and sometimes I rasa bersalah sebab I selalu lambat bagi dia makan :( I'm sorry Snowy..
I wish you have a great weekend with the loved ones.
Peace be upon you
I adopted these two lil kittens last 3 weeks and let me introduce you Toby and Ben. At first week, both of them keep their self away from me and lil bit afraid of any kind of sounds. They always get shocked everytime they heard louder sounds.
But now, they're okay and too pampered. Keep following me here and there. Sigh.
They love to hang out on the staircase :)
I think they're 4 season's type sebab suka sangat duduk depan refrigerator and INSIDE! Yes, inside! Sigh. "Mom, it's too hot nowadays so we decided to sit in it. Would you mind to get us the air-conditioner?" Oh korang, macam-macam korang request ek? Snowy dulu pun suka duduk depan fridge cuma sometimes dia memanjat tapi takde lah sampai duduk dalam macam tu.
Last night both of them masuk lagi and I closed the refrigerator's door :) After 5 seconds I buka balik and bulu diaorg sejuuuukk je bila keluar hahaha.
I masih rindukan Snowy and sometimes I rasa bersalah sebab I selalu lambat bagi dia makan :( I'm sorry Snowy..
I wish you have a great weekend with the loved ones.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
Hi guys! Yes, I know.. I was silent for a while since my last entry. There's nothing to update since I don't cook due to water rationing in Selangor.
We spent well our weekend by visiting our parents and my niece at MRSM. She's so happy when we gave her a visit and treated her with simply delicious foods and of course her favorite foods as well.
Here are some of the pictures that I took around the MRSM.
That's not me :)
Seems like heavy rain soon and yes, it was! :) This area received a lot of rain in a year so no wonder it's raining for everyday.
Bila nak masak ni? Water rationing memang sangat menyusahkan and buat I takde mood nak masak pun. Sigh. Hingga bertemu lagi.
Peace be upon you
Hi guys! Yes, I know.. I was silent for a while since my last entry. There's nothing to update since I don't cook due to water rationing in Selangor.
We spent well our weekend by visiting our parents and my niece at MRSM. She's so happy when we gave her a visit and treated her with simply delicious foods and of course her favorite foods as well.
Here are some of the pictures that I took around the MRSM.
That's not me :)
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The abandoned quaters arround the MRSM |
Seems like heavy rain soon and yes, it was! :) This area received a lot of rain in a year so no wonder it's raining for everyday.
Bila nak masak ni? Water rationing memang sangat menyusahkan and buat I takde mood nak masak pun. Sigh. Hingga bertemu lagi.
Monday, April 7, 2014
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
Nothing much since my last update.. I don't feel wanna do anything including to update my blog nor Instagram. It's been a week Snowy had left me but everyday in tears. Sigh.
I cooked this simple fried meehoon on 29/03/2014 for breakfast and I am sure this kind of fried meehoon is everyone's favorite. Aren't you? I just add in shallots, dried shrimp, chili paste, salt and sun-dried cherry tomoatoes for the ingredients and garnish with shredded omelette. And the result, YUM!
After breakfast, I straight away to Cheras to have a look the classic dinnerware. The price are reasonable and they have a lot of dinnerware collections. They also have teapots but the price quite expensive for me. I bought few pieces of bowls and plates and of course 'Bunga Kangkung' dinnerware must be in the list.
Once the business done, I gave those lil rabbits a visit before go home. They are so cute! Aren't they?
I don't know what to cook on 30/03/2014 and end up with fried torpedo scad, fried organic chicken, spinach in coconut broth and sambal belacan. Yes, I used my new classic dinnerware :)
My colleagues placed an order on 31/03/2014. They would like to have fried spaghetti for their breakfast, so I made Aglio Olio Spaghetti with Prawns. I do not know how the taste was and I hope they were fine with it.
Since Snowy is not around, I don't have appetite to eat at all.. And I don't felt like to do anything. I just wanna lay down and movie marathon or whatnots. I just had 'doughnut' and hot coffee on Sunday morning which I think it was so filled. Why 'doughnut'? Because I used Naan leftover dough and made it as frozen doughnut :)
That's all for now.
Peace be upon you
Nothing much since my last update.. I don't feel wanna do anything including to update my blog nor Instagram. It's been a week Snowy had left me but everyday in tears. Sigh.
I cooked this simple fried meehoon on 29/03/2014 for breakfast and I am sure this kind of fried meehoon is everyone's favorite. Aren't you? I just add in shallots, dried shrimp, chili paste, salt and sun-dried cherry tomoatoes for the ingredients and garnish with shredded omelette. And the result, YUM!
After breakfast, I straight away to Cheras to have a look the classic dinnerware. The price are reasonable and they have a lot of dinnerware collections. They also have teapots but the price quite expensive for me. I bought few pieces of bowls and plates and of course 'Bunga Kangkung' dinnerware must be in the list.
Once the business done, I gave those lil rabbits a visit before go home. They are so cute! Aren't they?
I don't know what to cook on 30/03/2014 and end up with fried torpedo scad, fried organic chicken, spinach in coconut broth and sambal belacan. Yes, I used my new classic dinnerware :)

Since Snowy is not around, I don't have appetite to eat at all.. And I don't felt like to do anything. I just wanna lay down and movie marathon or whatnots. I just had 'doughnut' and hot coffee on Sunday morning which I think it was so filled. Why 'doughnut'? Because I used Naan leftover dough and made it as frozen doughnut :)
That's all for now.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
Snowy was hit by a car yesterday morning and he left me for forever. I can't believe that he's gone.. I can't hear his purr and meow anymore. How I miss him, waiting for me when I'm home from work. He waiting for me in front of the gate and will get into the car once the gate opened. Oh my Godness, I miss him so much!
Dear Snowy, I pray you will be placed in the best of Allah's heavens. You're such a good boy and no others can replace you. I won't forget our precious moment together and difficulties that we went through. Please wait for me in Jannah and Mom will always loving you.
Peace be upon you
Snowy was hit by a car yesterday morning and he left me for forever. I can't believe that he's gone.. I can't hear his purr and meow anymore. How I miss him, waiting for me when I'm home from work. He waiting for me in front of the gate and will get into the car once the gate opened. Oh my Godness, I miss him so much!
Dear Snowy, I pray you will be placed in the best of Allah's heavens. You're such a good boy and no others can replace you. I won't forget our precious moment together and difficulties that we went through. Please wait for me in Jannah and Mom will always loving you.
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