Monday, April 21, 2014


السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you

Lama betul tak update resepi kan? Due to water rationing, I 've no mood to cook at all. Last week sebab teringin sangat baru lah I masak. Terpaksa beli dua tong air untuk simpan stock. Sigh.

Adapted From : Just Try & Taste


2 salted sea catfishes (ikan kering duri)- cut to small pieces (You can use any type  of salted fish)
10 red chillies (seeded)*
4 shallots *
3 cloves garlic *
1 handful stinky beans (halved)
2cm garlic *
1/2 cube chicken stock
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 thumb size shrimp paste
1 cup vegetable oil

* I tak masukkan cili kering dan cili padi sebab tak tahan pedas hehe.


Soak salted fish in the water and drain. Heat oil in a wok over medium heat. Frying the salted fish till crispy and brown and set aside.

Place the * ingredients in the food processor and grind it for few seconds. Use the same cooking oil about 4 tbsp and heat over medium heat. Add in the grinded ingredients, chicken stock, shrimp paste and sugar and simmer for 5 minutes. If too dry add in lil bit water and cook till the water absorbed.

Add in stinky beans and cook for a minute and finally, add in the salted fish. Mix them well and ready to serve.

Note :

Soak the salted fish in the water to reduce the saltness.

I tak tambah salt sebab minyak masak gorengan ikan masin tu dah cukup masin.

Kalau guna ikan masin talang lebih sedap sebab banyak isi :)

Apa lagi? Sure lah makan bertambah-tambah kan? Layan pulak dengan kerabu pucuk paku tu. Memang tak ingat orang sebelah sebelah lah :) 

First time cuba masak petai with ikan masin and red chillies instead of dried chillies memang terbaik! Terima kasih my dear Endang! Takkan rugi jika mencuba.





  1. Assalam Honey,
    wow ni memang lauk pembuka selera ni..confirm bertambah2 nasi bila makan..slurpss..

  2. Sedap petai ni..dah berumur macam sekarang petai yg boleh makan sikit je... tak boleh lebih... nanti dapat gastrik dan migrain... miss betul :)

  3. Salam Kak Ayu,
    Mau nye tak bertambah-tambah haha.

    Betul tu! Tak tengok orang kiri kanan dah kalau makan :)

    Kak Mar,
    Eh ye ke? I baru tau ia penyebab gastric and migrain. Ish dahlah my favorite ni hehe


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