Thursday, November 27, 2014


السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ
Peace be upon you

Apakah Tauhu Anora? I pun tak pasti kenapa di beri nama Tauhu Anora. Adakah sempena nama si pembuatnya, I tak pasti. Tapi tauhu ini sangat terkenal di Taman Melawati (maaf jika salah). Tauhu kering yang di sumbat dengan kentang dan mix vegies dan di makan dengan sos khas membuatkan ia menjadi kegilaan ramai. Apakah rahsianya? I pun tak pasti hihi..

Adapted by : Azian Collection 
Adjusted by : Honey

Tauhu / Tofu

20 pcs dried tofu (I used the small dried tofu)
4 potatoes (diced)
1/4 cup of mix veggies (carrot, peas, corn)
3 cloves garlic (finely chopped)
A cup of water
Salt to taste
2 eggs
A pinch of white pepper
3-4 tbsp vegetable oil (to cook the filling)
2 tbsp finely chopped parsley leaves
5-6 cup of vegetable oil for frying


Heat oil in a wok over medium heat. Cook garlic until fragrant and lil bit brown. Add in potatoes, salt and pour in the water. Cook till the water almost absorbed. Add in the mix veggies and cooked until the water fully absorbed. Set aside to cool.

Heat oil in a heavy bottomed sauce pan over medium heat. Whisk eggs with white pepper. Add parsley into the potatoes mixture and stuff  into the dried tofu, dip it into the egg mixture and deep frying until golden brown or until the tofu crisp enough. Depending on your sauce pan size, you can cook 4-5 pcs tofu in the same time. Repeat the same steps for the remaining tofu.

Drain the excess oil and set aside.



3 cloves garlic (finely pounded)
1 cm ginger (finely pounded)
1 tbsp chili paste
2 tbsp soy sauce 
2 tbsp chili sauce
1 tbsp fermented beans (finely pounded)
5 cm gula melaka (I bought the bigger size one)
1 1/2 cup of water
1 tbsp corn starch
1-2 tbsp vegetable oil


Heat oil in a medium size heavy bottomed sauce pan over medium heat. Cook garlic and ginger until fragrant and add in the chili paste. Simmer till the chili paste cooked enough and add in the fermented beans, soy sauce, chili sauce, water, gula melaka and cook for 15-20 minutes.

Mix the corn starch with some water and pour into the sauce. Cook until the sauce thickened. Turn off the heat and set aside to cool.

To serve, pour the sauce over the tofu and garnish with thinly sliced bird's eye chilies and deep fried shallots.

Note :

I tak taruk garam into the sauce sebab soy sauce and taucu dah cukup masin.

Bila sos dah masak dan sejuk I blend sos tadi supaya lebih smooth.




Wednesday, November 26, 2014


السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ
Peace be upon you

Hello there! Sihat kah you all hari ni? Hari ni nak share satu lagi recipe yang simple yet delicious. Sesuai di makan bila-bila yang you all suka. Boleh juga di buat makan untuk minum petang :)



10 L size prawns (remove the shell except tail)
1/2 cup sweetened shredded coconut
1/3 cup plain flour
2 eggs
A pinch of salt
A pinch of white pepper
1/2 tsp paprika
Vegetable oil for deep frying


Rinse prawns and pat dry with kitchen paper towel. Set aside.

Mix flour with paprika and white pepper. Whisk eggs together with salt. Coat prawn with the flour, dip into the egg mixture and roll onto shredded coconut. Repeat the same step for the remaining prawns until finish.

Heat oil in a heavy bottom sauce pan, deep frying the prawns until golden brown and crisp. Drain the excess oil.

Serve with tartar sauce, chili sauce and lemon wedges.   




Tuesday, November 25, 2014


السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ
Peace be upon you

Last Saturday I made The Mini Egg Tortilla Sandwiches for breakfast. Such an interesting idea for breakfast isn't it? :)



2 pcs tortillas
2 hard boiled egg (mashed)*
2 tbsp mayonnaise *
A pinch of salt *
A pinch of white pepper *
Black pepper, cucumber and tomato for garnish.


Toast the tortillas on skillet until lil bit crispy. Cut it into square, 4cm x 4cm. Set aside.

Mix * ingredients and scoop onto the little square tortillas. Sprinkle black pepper on top and garnish with tomato and cucumber.

Easy-peasy kan? Cubalah! :)



Friday, November 21, 2014


“Sesuatu yang bernyawa tidak akan mati melainkan dengan izin Allah, sebagai ketetapan yang telah ditentukan waktunya. Barangsiapa menghendaki pahala dunia, niscaya Kami berikan kepadanya pahala dunia itu, dan barangsiapa menghendaki pahala akhirat, Kami berikan (pula) kepadanya pahala akhirat. Dan Kami akan memberi balasan kepada orang-orang yang bersyukur.”


Wednesday, November 19, 2014


السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ
Peace be upon you

Ingat tak I ada update tentang rose I yang belum berkembang tu? Yay, dah start blooming kecuali ros yang light peach tu. Entah kenapa lama benor dia nak blooming.

These roses are belong to Pinky (Pink Rose Plant)

These roses are belong to Red Devil (Red Rose Plant)

These are my Bougainvillea collection. Warna hampir sama kan? But both yang kat atas tu pokok yang sama. The other 2 plants tak berbunga lagi. Yang itu warna purple and red chili.  

Sekian :)



Tuesday, November 18, 2014


السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ
Peace be upon you



3 cawan beras Jasmin Pusa Gold 
3 cawan air rebusan daging kambing(atau lebih, depend on you)
1 cawan susu cair
1/2 cawan butter 
5 ulas bawang kecil (di kisar) *
5 ulas bawang putih (di kisar) *
3 cm halia (di kisar) *
1 batang kayu manis *
3 biji bunga lawang *
5-6 biji buah pelaga *
1 paket serbuk briyani maggi
Sedikit daun ketumbar untuk hiasan
Garam secukup rasa


Cuci beras dan toskan.

Panaskan periuk nasi dan cairkan butter. Tumis bahan yang bertanda * sehingga naik baru dan sedikit garing. Masukkan serbuk briyani dan gaul rata.

Masukkan beras dan gaul rata. Masukkan kepingan daging kambing yang telah di rebus ke dalam periuk nasi dan gaul sebati. Tuang air rebusan kambing, susu cair dan garam. Gaul rata, tutup dengan penutup periuk dan biarkan masak sepenuhnya. Taburkan dengan daun ketumbar.

Daging Kambing / Air Rebusan Daging kambing

6-8 keping daging kambing
2 batang kayu manis
5 biji bunga lawang 
10 biji buah pelaga
1 sudu besar lada hitam
2 labu bawang besar (di potong 4 setiap satu)
1 labu bawang putih (di kupas dan di biarkan sebiji-sebiji)
6-7cm halia (di potong nipis)
1/2 sudu besar garam
Air secukupnya


Bersihkan kepingan daging kambing. Rebus daging kambing dengan bahan yang lain hingga empuk.

Bila sudah masak, asingkan daging dengan rempah-rempah tadi. Dan toskan airnya untuk masak nasi.

Sos Cili

3-4 biji cili merah (di buang biji)
10 biji cili padi
1 biji tomato (di potong 4)
1 sudu besar cuka
Garam secukup rasa
1/2 cawan daun ketumbar yang di cincang
1 cawan air
Secubit gula jika suka


Kisar ke semua bahan.



2 biji tomato (di potong dadu)
1 batang timun jepun (di potong dadu)
1 labu bawang besar (di potong dadu)
Segenggam daun ketumbar yang telah di potong halus
Sedikit garam sebagai perasa
Secubit lada hitam yang di tumbuk


Gaul semua bahan hingga sebati.

Easy-peasy kan? Ye, I tau... kawan-kawannya itu untuk nasi arab kan? Sepatutnya nasi briyani tu makan dengan dalca kan? Malas  nak cari bahan sebenarnya hihi. Selamat mencuba!

